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Load templates from separate files

Umakant Patil edited this page Aug 11, 2017 · 4 revisions

How to load templates from separate external files

For PHP Smarty applications see How to use Smarty template in Javascript.

If your application is pure HTML and doesn't use any of the server side script languages (like PHP) or Apache Server Side Includes, there are still several ways to keep your templates in separate external files and load them dynamically.

  • Load a file from the server using Ajax

my.tpl.html file

{$greeting}, {$name}!

main.html file

    // Sse jQuery .get() function
        function(tplText) { 
            var t = new jSmart(tplText);
            document.write( t.fetch({greeting:'Hello',name:'world'}) ); 
  • Load a file into IFRAME, then get template contents by ID

my.tpl.html file


<script id="myTpl" type="text/x-jsmart-tmpl"> 
    {$greeting}, {$name}!


main.html file

<iframe src='path/to/templates/my.tpl.html' style='display:none;' onload='onTplLoad(this)'></iframe>
function onTplLoad(iframe) {
    var t = new jSmart( $(iframe).contents().find('#myTpl').html() );
    document.write( t.fetch({greeting:'Hello',name:'world'}) );
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