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UMA 2.11.5

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@Jaimi Jaimi released this 13 Jan 02:30
· 59 commits to master since this release

What's new in 2.11.5
Added Prefab Maker - converts an UMA to a Non-UMA.
Fixed bug where UVs could be incorrectly positioned when multiple slots shared a non-atlas material
Added a checkbox to disable garbage collection during the edit process
Removed some debug messages that were no longer needed
Fixed issue where DNA could get an exception if you recompile but have a scene open that does not have a UMAContext
Edit time generation will create a UMAContext from the UMA_GLIB prefab if you drop a UMA in a scene that does not have one. This will be deleted when something else is selected.
Fixed issue with Animancer and Playables when building an UMA.