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10X Dumping Ground

Keep 10X notes, reports, results, (small) datasets etc. as you wish. Basically instead of dumping everything in the Google doc, feel free to dump it in here.

Data Paths

Description Path Cluster
NA12878 WGS from 10X-wfu /data/cephfs/punim0010/data/External/Reference/NA12878-10x-2018/wfu Spartan
NA12878 WGS from 10X-wg1 re-run /data/cephfs/punim0010/data/External/Reference/NA12878-10x-2018/NA12878_WGS_v2 Spartan
NA12878 WGS from 10X-wfu re-run /g/data3/gx8/projects/Hsu_10X_WGS/NA12878-10X-WFU Raijin
NA12878 WES from 10X-wes /data/cephfs/punim0010/data/External/Reference/NA12878-10x-2018/WES Spartan
LongRanger + References /data/projects/punim0010/opt/ Spartan
GRCh37 non-decoy Reference /data/cephfs/punim0010/extras/10x/refdata-GRCh37 Spartan


Name Description Notes
bxtools light-weight tools for 10X data has conda package
longranger 10X official pipeline for WGS/WES read alignment, SNP/Indel/SV calling and phasing has docker
HapCut2 haplotype assembly -
EMA align 10X reads has conda package
ZoomX somatic SV calling on bitbucket
bazam extract paired reads in FASTQ format from coordinate sorted BAM files Simon Sadedin at 10X symposium
gemtools phase SVs in 10X reads Hanlee Ji at 10X symposium