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Andreas edited this page Apr 11, 2018 · 4 revisions
Shortcut Prerequisites Action
Enter Element or diagram selected Focus Properties Panel of selected element/diagram
Escape Properties Panel selected Leave Properties Panel and focus related element or diagram/palette
Arrow buttons Element(s) selected Move selected Element(s) by one grid-space (eg: 10px on 100% zoom, 5px on 50% zoom)
Hold left mousebutton + move mouse Element(s) selected Move selected Element(s) around on the grid
Hold left mousebutton + move mouse into diagram Palette Element(s) selected Add selected Element(s) to the diagram
Hold left mousebutton + move mouse Empty Space selected Move whole diagram/palette
Double click left mousebutton Mouse over Palette Element Copy Element into Diagram
Double click left mousebutton Mouse over Diagram Element Copy element slightly displaced from original position
Click right mousebutton Mouse over Element(s) Open Element specific context menu (most content from Edit-Menu)
Click right mousebutton Mouse over Diagram Open Diagram specific context menu (most content from File-Menu)
Hold Shift + move mouse Mouse over Element corner Activate proportional resizing to maintain ratio between height and width of Element
Hold Shift + move mouse Mouse over Element Temporarily disabled relation sticking on elements during moving or resizing
Hold Ctrl + move mouse Mouse over diagram or palette Activate lasso selection of multiple elements (every element which is surrounded by the lasso is selected)
Hold Shift + click left mousebutton Mouse over not selected Element Add Element to selection
Hold Shift + click left mousebutton Mouse over selected Element Remove Element from selection
Hold Ctrl + mousewheel up/down (or +/- keys) Mouse over diagram or palette Zoom diagram 10% in/out
Mousewheel up/down Mouse over combobox (selectbox) Select next/previous entry of combobox
Mousewheel up/down Mouse over scrollbar Move scrollbar up/down
Mousewheel up/down Mouse over Properties Panel Move property panel content up/down
Ctrl+Space Properties Panel selected List possible configuration-commands (currently only in Plotlet)

There are many other Ctrl+"key" shortcuts for quick access to important menu entries. These shortcuts are shown if you open any menu and therefore are not mentioned here.

It's also possible to use the keyboard to control the menu (e.g. Alt > F > O to open a file). Use the underlined character after pressing Alt in order to call the menu action.

Important note for Mac users: Every instance of the "Ctrl" button should be replaced by the "Command" button

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