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Best Practices

Zachary Goldston edited this page Aug 29, 2022 · 9 revisions

Representing Poses

  • Always represent pose with the SE3 type from our library for internal states
  • Function signatures that require a pose should always have an SE3, this creates a unified interface for our libraries. Functions can internally unpack SE3 into the necessary forms for work
  • It is worth noting that there is a semantic difference between the word "pose" and "transform", but they are mathematically related by the same object - an SE3. One could have the pose of an object in the world frame, which when thought of or applied as a transform is the transform from the object's frame to the world. For this reason, unlike the ROS messages, we have a single type for poses and transforms.
  • Because of the fact that we do not distinguish between poses and transforms with the type, it is critical to follow a consistent naming convention to make it clear what a particular instance of SE3 actually encodes. If you have a transform, name your variable like {frameA}to{frameB}. If you have a pose, name your variable {frameA}in{frameB}. Make sure to following the naming conventions of the language you are using. Here are some examples:

Rover's pose in the world for python: rover_in_world = SE3(...)

Transformation from camera frame to rover base frame in C++ SE3 cameraToBase(...)


Python (General)

  • Keep logic associated with objects as much as possible. Sometimes this means making use of @classmethod or @staticmethod. Do not write stuff like with completely random helper functions.
  • Classes that are essentially data storage containers should be @dataclass. In general prefer to make classes data storage containers and do complex initialization logic with static factory methods instead of relying on __init__

Contributing to mrover-ros

If you are making a change/working on a ticket, please do NOT fork the mrover-ros repository. Merging in forked commits can lead to history rewriting and a lot of headaches when trying to clean up or revert any potential issues. Instead, as described in the workflow tutorials, checkout a new branch, and use the format <initials or github username>/<feature or change name> when naming the branch. Doing this method will make merging in changes from main easier, and avoid rebasing.

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