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Use Case Scenarios

umurtrky edited this page Mar 28, 2017 · 1 revision

Login Use Case

Use Case Login

Actors User

Description User logins to the system

Flow of events

  1. User enters Sentwort web page URL to browser’s address bar
  2. User accesses login page
  3. User enters their username and password
  4. User clicks “login” button
  5. User logins to the system and gets redirected to the home page

Register Use Case

Use Case Register

Actors User

Description User becomes a registered user

Flow of events

  1. User enters Sentwort web page URL to their browser’s address bar
  2. User accesses login page
  3. User clicks "Register" button
  4. User accesses registration page
  5. User enters username, password, confirmation for password, secret question and secret answer for registration
  6. User clicks "Sign Up" button
  7. User is registered and gets redirected to the home page

Forgotten Password Use Case

Use Case Forgot Password

Actors User

Description User sets a new password

Flow of events

  1. User gets error while logging in to the system about wrong username and/or password
  2. User cannot remember their password
  3. User clicks “Forgot your password?” link
  4. User enters username and clicks "Confirm"
  5. User sees their secret question, enters the appropriate answer.
  6. User clicks "Set new password"
  7. User is prompted to set a new password
  8. User sets a new password and gets redirected to home page

Add Hashtag to be Listened Use Case

Use Case Add Hashtag to be Listened

Actors User

Description User adds an hashtag to the system to be listened

Flow of events

  1. User logins to the system
  2. User gets redirected to home page
  3. In the left menu, user clicks "Hashtag Management"
  4. User enters an hashtag to the "Hashtag" textbox
  5. User clicks "Add"
  6. User sees the hashtag added to the list

Start/Stop Listening an Hashtag Use Case

Use Case Start/Stop Listening an Hashtag

Actors User

Description User starts/stops the system to listen an specific hashtag

Flow of events

  1. User is already logged in to the system and is on "Hashtag Management" page
  2. User selects an hashtag from the table
  3. User clicks "Start Listening"/"Stop Listening"
  4. Hashtag is active/passive

See Sentiment Report Use Case

Use Case See Sentiment Report

Actors User

Description User displays sentiment report and filters the data

Flow of events

  1. User is already logged in to the system
  2. User clicks Sentiment Report” from the left menu
  3. Account of the tweet, tweet itself, hashtags, links, sentiment of the tweet and share date appears as a table
  4. Users sees the data of last month at the beginning
  5. User enters filters and clicks "Search"
  6. Table is updated according to the selected filters

See Hashtag Statistics Use Case

Use Case See Hashtag Statistics

Actors User

Description User checks out statistics about hashtags defined in the system

Flow of events

  1. User is already logged in to the system
  2. User clicks “Hashtag Report” from the left menu
  3. Number of tweets, number of tweets analyzed sentimentally, number of positive, negative and neutral tweets, start date of listening and status of hashtag (active/passive) appears on the page