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ADMin Menu TUI - Manage your server from console


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admm - ADMin Menu TUI

Release version Downloads

Manage your server from console

VirtualBox console manipulation scripts are included


  1. Description
  2. Synopsis
  3. Download
  4. Configuration


Main Page


   admm is a administrator menu TUI for console based on shell scripts

   admm [OPTIONS] <Enter>

   admm is written with Lazarus and the freevision package

Tutorial Videos



   - The basic idea is to use existing shell scripts and display them in a menu

   - Start admm and press F4 to edit index.mnu or press F3 to edit index.conf for your needs

   - With admm you can edit the menus and scripts, append a new entry to menus and add new scripts

   - If a command is executed, the screen output will be appended to output.log
     To send output.log as email to $INFORM run admm -e

   - If a menu or script file is edited, the menu version will be incremented and
     all modifications are saved as diff output in file changes.log

   - On Master and Clients you always load the scripts from the Master Server= URL if specified
     [admm.conf -> Server=http://server.domain/share/admm-scripts.tar.gz]
     On a master server you can modify the menu files and save them for all nodes on this server
     with [admm Maintenance Menu -> Create admm-scripts.tar.gz]

   - To send emails you must install sSMTP or mSMTP on the master and define [index.conf -> INFORM=name@domain]
     You can find it under [System Installation Menu -> System Software Menu]

   - admm can autoplay hotkey commands with --run="X  "
     X is the hotkey character from Menu or Submenu, use " " to leave a submenu or "  " to exit menu
     If you append -e user $INFORM will be informed with output.log
     After sending the email output.log will be deleted

   - You can extend command line parameters with your own commands. You must insert your command in
     index.conf [Commands] -cmd="aa  "=Comment

   - GPG is used to create and read encrypted password files for scripts.

   - VirtualBox scripts for manipulation are included


   -c --changes        Display changes.log
   -d --debug=N        Set debug level (see admm.conf)
   -e --email          Send email with output.log to $INFORM
   -h --help           Display options help
   -l --log            Display admm.log
   -o --out            Display output.log
   -r --run="aM   "    Autorun hotkey commands from Menu
   -s --server=""      Select server with admm-*.tar.gz

   -u                  Run system dist-upgrade (see index.conf [Commands])
   -a                  Run system autoremove (see index.conf [Commands])


   /usr/local/bin/admm                               Executable
   /usr/local/etc/admm.conf                          Configuration for admm
   /usr/local/share/admm/plugins/template/*.tmpl     Templates for .man .mnu .sh
   /usr/local/share/admm/sripts/debian/index.mnu     Main menu for admm
   /usr/local/share/admm/sripts/debian/index.conf    Main menu configuration
   /usr/local/share/admm/sripts/debian/...           Location for menus and shell scripts or other files used by scripts
   /usr/local/share/admm/admm.log                    Log file of admm, to enable set Debug= > 0 (Default = 1)
   /usr/local/share/admm/changes.log                 Log file with changes of menu and script files (Debug= > 0)
   /usr/local/share/admm/output.log                  Log file with output of executed scripts (Debug= > 0)
   /usr/local/man/                           This page


   F1 - Display Help if available (press F6 to create a new man page)
   F2 - Start mc
   F3 - Edit index.conf (global menu configuration)
   F4 - Edit displayed Menu with mcedit
   F5 - Edit selected Menu or Shell script with mcedit, if not exists create it with template
   F6 - Edit existing Help or create a new man page
   F7 - Output of last executed command
   F8 - Load Mainmenu
   F9 - Display admm.log
   F10- Exit
   SF1- Display
   SF2- Run mc in folder wherr menu file is located
   SF3- Edit admm.conf
   SF5- Edit
   SF7- Display ouput.log
   SF8- Run for export to server
   SF9- Display changes.log


   UP-/DOWN-Arrow - Select Menu position
   RIGHT-Arrow    - Open Submenu (not Shell scripts)
   LEFT-Arrow     - Exit from Menu or Submenu
   SPACE          - Exit from Menu or Submenu
   ENTER          - Execute selected Menu position


   Left           - Select a button by click, double-click to execute the command
   Right          - Select a button by click, double-click to edit the file


Download binary