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unbounded - The Official Unbounded Javascript Client

** The Unbounded database is currently in hiatus. Thank you to everyone that used our service, we hope you'll join us again for our next upgraded iteration.**

This module implements full-featured access to the Unbounded database.

For detailed information on methods and parameters, see the API reference on the Unbounded documentation portal.


npm install @unbounded/unbounded --save


const Unbounded = require('@unbounded/unbounded');

let client = new Unbounded('aws-us-east-2', '', 'somepassword');

let db = client.database('mydatabase');

(async () => {
  let results = await db.add({
    property: 'value'

  let [newid] = results.inserted;

  console.log("inserted id: " + newid);

  let [obj] = await db.match({id: newid});

  console.log("retrieved object: " + JSON.stringify(obj));

Conventions and Notes

Method call styles

The Unbounded web service takes parameters in the form of JSON objects. This module lets you pass a raw JSON object to the methods query, insert, update and delete:

client.database('mydatabase').query({match: {}, limit: 1}).then(results => {
  // ...

However, in normal circumstances it is cleaner to use the "builder" style syntax, which is available by passing no arguments to the query, insert, etc. methods. In this style, you can chain options together, then end the chain with a call to send, which returns a Promise:

                             .send().then(results => {
  // ...

Functions as Arguments

Unbounded accepts Javascript functions as JSON strings for various purposes. When using this module, you have the option to pass actual Javascript code to your calls, allowing it to be syntax highlighted, linted, etc. The module will automatically convert the where argument in a call like this to a string when sending it to the Unbounded servers:

let db = client.database('mydatabase');
await db.query().where(o => o.someproperty === 1).send();

It's important to note that because functions are converted to strings, attempting to use a global or lexically scoped variable in a callback will result in an error when the callback is executed in Unbounded. To re-use a callback with different variables, you should call the bind method after adding your function parameter. bind accepts any number of values, which will be passed as the first parameters to your function when it is executed on the server:

const myfunc = (val, o) => o.someproperty === val;

// queries for someproperty === 1
await db.query().where(myfunc).bind(1).send();

Simple Aggregations

Unbounded lets users specify aggregate functions in terms of map and reduce functions, which are analagous to the corresponding calls on the Javascript built-in Array class. Because these functions can be more difficult to write than the simple aggregation functions built in to SQL, this module contains some shortcuts which let you easiy compute various aggregations of a single property. For example:

await db.query()

Will compute the sum of the counter properties on the objects in db. This call is shorthand for:

await db.query()
        .map(o => ({sum: o.counter}))
        .reduce((a, b) => ({sum: a.sum + b.sum}))

The other built-in aggregation shortcuts are: count, avg, min, max, some, and every.

Async Tasks

In Unbounded, any method call can return either a synchronous reply or an asynchronous task. This module abstracts that behavior in the following way:

By default, calling methods on a database or saved query object will always return synchronously (meaning they will complete when their promise resolves or callback parameter completes; this behavior is not related to the inherant async behavior of Javascript). If a method does return an async task, the library hides this by automatically waiting for the task to complete and returning the result.

Note that for large queries that are saved to files, this behavior can result in unwanted resource usage, because the library will attempt to download all the files and concatenate them before returning. For large queries, webhooks are a more performant option than the default file behavior.

Optionally, clients can manage async tasks manually by calling methods on the async property of a database:

let db = client.database('mydatabase');
let taskobj = await db.async.query().where(o => o.someproperty === 1).send();

This enables users to write to a database and continue processing without waiting for the write to complete. If desired, the resulting task object can be passed to client.wait to receive a Promise that resolves when the task completes:

let db = client.database('mydatabase');
let taskobj = await db.async.query().where(o => o.someproperty === 1).send();

let results = await client.wait(taskobj);

The task object itself can be serialized using JSON, so that if an app terminates or another problem occurs, the task can still be waited on by deserializing it later.

If the task is a query and no webhook was specified, then the files property of the result object will contain a list of URLs with query results. This object contains a built-in fetch method which retrieves the URLs and returns the concantenated results as an array:

let objs = await results.fetch();

Bulk Upload

startUpload is a convenience method which simplifies importing a large number of objects into an Unbounded database. It accepts the same options as the insert method (without the values parameter). startUpload returns an Uploader class instance, which has an add method to add objects to the upload. Call the finish method after all objects are added:

let array = [{someproperty: 1}, {someproperty: 2}, ...];

let uploader = client.database('mydatabase').upload();

for (let i in array) {
  await uploader.add(array[i]);

await uploader.finish();

Frontend Database Access

This module can be used to access Unbounded directly from an app or web browser. You can use it with React/Angular/Vue or any other frontend framework.

The main difference between server-side and browser/frontend usage is authentication. In the example at the top of this page, we created a client object by passing our Unbounded account username and password to the Unbounded() constructor:

let client = new Unbounded('aws-us-east-2', '', 'somepassword');

However, when accessing the db from a browser, we should never use our account password, as our users will be able to obtain it and gain unfettered access to our account. Rather, we need to use an authentication provider to tie our users to an identity, and then set a signed identity token for Unbounded to uniquely identify our user. Here's an example using Google as our authentication provider:

<!-- sample code taken from -->
  <script src="" async defer></script>
  <meta name="google-signin-client_id" content="">
<div class="g-signin2" data-onsuccess="onSignIn"></div>
  // pass only your username here, not your password
  var client = new Unbounded('aws-us-east-2', '');

  function onSignIn(googleUser) {
    var id_token = googleUser.getAuthResponse().id_token;

    var token_type = 'google';

    // set the signed in Google user as active in the db client
    client.setSubToken(id_token, token_type);

    // now when we make calls to our client, the authentication will
    // use the user's Google account credentials
    client.database('mydatabase').match({something: true}).then(...);

The key here is the call to client.setSubToken, which will ensure that the Google id_token is used to authenticate all database queries. If you wish to sign out the user later, you can remove their user token from the client by calling client.setSubToken(null).

In order for this to work, you must configure your database's users property with your app's Google client ID. More information (including using other authentication providers) is available in the Unbounded Frontend Access Guide.

Class/Method List

export default class Unbounded {
  constructor(region: string, username: string, password: string);

  database(name: string): Database;

  listDatabases(): Promise<object[]>;
  wait(task: Task): Promise<FileResult | object[] | undefined>;

  setSubToken(subtoken: string, type: string);

class FileResult {
  files: string[]

  fetch(cb?): object[]

class Database {
  async: DatabaseAsync;

  match(match?: object, options?: object): Promise<object[]>;

  query(): QueryBuilder;

  query(options: object): Promise<object[]>;

  add(values: object | object[], options?: object): Promise;

  insert(): InsertBuilder;

  insert(options: object): Promise;

  update(): UpdateBuilder;

  update(options: object): Promise;

  delete(): DeleteBuilder;

  delete(options: object): Promise;
  getKey(): Promise<any>;
  setKey(key: string | string[]) : Promise;
  getSchema(): Promise<object>;
  setSchema(schema: object) : Promise;
  getIndexes(): Promise<Array>;
  setIndexes(indexes: Array) : Promise;
  deleteDatabase() : Promise;
  savedQuery(name: string): SavedQuery;
  listSavedQueries(): Promise<object[]>;
  startUpload(exists?: Function | string, options?: object): Uploader;

class DatabaseAsync {
  match(match?: object, options?: object): Promise<Task>;

  query(): AsyncQueryBuilder;

  query(options: object): Promise<Task>;

  add(values: object | object[], options?: object): Promise<Task>;

  insert(): AsyncInsertBuilder;

  insert(options: object): Promise<Task>;

  update(): AsyncUpdateBuilder;

  update(options: object): Promise<Task>;

  delete(): AsyncDeleteBuilder;

  delete(options: object): Promise<Task>;

class Task {}

class SavedQuery {
  async: SavedQueryAsync;

  match(match?: object, options?: object): Promise<object[]>;

  query(where?: Function | string, options?: object): Promise<object[]>;

  deleteSavedQuery(): Promise;

class SavedQueryAsync {
  match(match?: object, options?: object): Promise<Task>;

  query(): AsyncQueryBuilder;

  query(options: object): Promise<Task>;

class Uploader {
  add(value: object) : Promise;

  finish(): Promise;

class QueryBuilder {
  match(props: object): QueryBuilder

  where(func: Function | string): QueryBuilder

  bind(...args: any[]): QueryBuilder

  map(func: Function | string): QueryBuilder

  filter(func: Function | string): QueryBuilder

  reduce(func: Function | string): QueryBuilder

  sort(opts: object): QueryBuilder

  limit(count: number): QueryBuilder

  single(): QueryBuilder

  webhook(url: string): QueryBuilder

  count(): QueryBuilder

  sum(prop: string): QueryBuilder

  avg(prop: string): QueryBuilder

  min(prop: string): QueryBuilder

  max(prop: string): QueryBuilder

  some(prop: string): QueryBuilder

  every(prop: string): QueryBuilder

  send(): Promise<object[]>

class InsertBuilder {
  values(data: object | object[]): InsertBuilder

  exists(func: Function | string): InsertBuilder

  bind(...args: any[]): InsertBuilder

  send(): Promise

class UpdateBuilder {
  match(props: object): UpdateBuilder

  where(func: Function | string): UpdateBuilder

  set(func: Function | string): UpdateBuilder

  bind(...args: any[]): UpdateBuilder

  single(): UpdateBuilder

  send(): Promise

class DeleteBuilder {
  match(props: object): DeleteBuilder

  where(func: Function | string): DeleteBuilder

  bind(...args: any[]): DeleteBuilder

  single(): DeleteBuilder

  send(): Promise


Client library for the Unbounded database service







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