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unclebob committed Jul 21, 2010
1 parent c915608 commit 8cbb24f
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Showing 4 changed files with 2 additions and 255 deletions.
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/all-tests.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
(ns orbit (:use clojure.test))
(require 'physics.vector-test)
(require 'physics.position-test)
(require 'physics.object-test)
(run-tests 'physics)
216 changes: 2 additions & 214 deletions src/orbit/world.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,215 +1,3 @@
(:import (java.awt Color Dimension)
(javax.swing JPanel JFrame Timer JOptionPane)
(java.awt.event ActionListener KeyListener))
(:use clojure.contrib.import-static))

(import-static java.awt.event.KeyEvent VK_LEFT VK_RIGHT VK_UP VK_DOWN)
(require ['physics.object :as 'object])
(require ['physics.vector :as 'vector])
(require ['physics.position :as 'position])

(def center (position/make 500 500))

(defstruct controls :magnification :center :trails :clear)

(defn size-by-mass [{m :mass}]
(+ 0 (Math/sqrt m))

(defn color-by-mass [{m :mass}]
(< m 1) Color/black
(< m 2) (Color. 210 105 30)
(< m 5) Color/red
(< m 10) (Color. 107 142 35)
(< m 20) Color/magenta
(< m 40) Color/blue
:else (Color. 255 215 0)

(defn draw-object [g obj controls]
(let [
mag (:magnification controls)
sun-center (:center controls)
x-offset (- (:x center) (* mag (:x sun-center)))
y-offset (- (:y center) (* mag (:y sun-center)))
x (+ x-offset (* mag (:x (:position obj))))
y (+ y-offset (* mag (:y (:position obj))))
s (max 2 (* mag (size-by-mass obj)))
half-s (/ s 2)
c (color-by-mass obj)
(.setColor g c)
(.fillOval g (- x half-s) (- y half-s) s s)

(defn find-sun [world]
(first (filter #(not (= -1 (.indexOf (:name %) "sun"))) world)))

(defn draw-world [g world controls]
(let [
sun (find-sun world)
(doseq [obj world]
(draw-object g obj controls)
(.clearRect g 0 0 1000 20)
(.drawString g (format "Objects: %d, Magnification: %4.3g"
(count world)
(:magnification controls)) 20 20)

(defn update-world [world controls]
(alter world #(object/update-all %)))

(defn magnify [factor controls world]
(let [
sun-position (:position (find-sun @world))
new-mag (* factor (:magnification @controls))
(alter controls #(assoc % :magnification new-mag))
(alter controls #(assoc % :center sun-position))
(alter controls #(assoc % :clear true))

(defn reset-screen-state [controls]
(dosync (alter controls #(assoc % :clear false))))

(defn toggle-trail [controls]
(dosync (alter controls #(assoc % :trails (not (:trails @controls))))))

(defn- quit-key? [c]
(= \q c)

(defn- plus-key? [c]
(or (= \+ c) (= \= c))

(defn- minus-key? [c]
(or (= \- c) (= \_ c))

(defn- space-key? [c]
(= \space c)

(defn- trail-key? [c]
(= \t c)

(defn handle-key [c world controls]
(quit-key? c) (System/exit 1)
(plus-key? c) (magnify 1.1 controls world)
(minus-key? c) (magnify 0.9 controls world)
(space-key? c) (magnify 1.0 controls world)
(trail-key? c) (toggle-trail controls)

(defn world-panel [frame world controls]
(proxy [JPanel ActionListener KeyListener] []
(paintComponent [g]
(when (or (:clear @controls) (not (:trails @controls)))
(proxy-super paintComponent g))
(draw-world g @world @controls)
(reset-screen-state controls)
(actionPerformed [e]
(update-world world @controls)
(.repaint this)
(keyPressed [e]
(handle-key (.getKeyChar e) world controls)
(.repaint this)
(getPreferredSize []
(Dimension. 1000 1000)
(keyReleased [e])
(keyTyped [e])

(defn random-about [n]
(- (rand (* 2 n)) n))

(defn random-velocity [p sun]
(let [
sp (:position sun)
sd (position/distance p sp)
v (Math/sqrt (/ 1 sd))
direction (vector/rotate90 (vector/unit (vector/subtract p sp)))
(vector/scale direction (+ (rand 0.01) (* v 13.5)))

(defn random-position [sun-position]
(let [
r (+ (rand 300) 30)
theta (rand (* 2 Math/PI))
(position/add sun-position (position/make (* r (Math/cos theta)) (* r (Math/sin theta))))

(defn random-object [sun n]
(let [
sp (:position sun)
p (random-position sp)
(object/make p (rand 0.2) (random-velocity p sun) (vector/make) (str "r" n))

(defn create-world []
(let [
v0 (vector/make)
v11 (vector/make 1 1)
v-1-1 (vector/make -1 -1)
sun (object/make center 150 v0 v0 "sun")
earth (object/make (position/make 600 600) 20 v11 v0 "Earth")
mars (object/make (position/make 400 400) 10 v-1-1 v0 "Mars")
[sun earth mars]

(defn world-frame []
(let [
controls (ref (struct-map controls
:magnification 1.0
:center center
:trails false
:clear false))
world (ref (create-world))
frame (JFrame. "Orbit")
panel (world-panel frame world controls)
timer (Timer. 1 panel)
(doto panel
(.setFocusable true)
(.addKeyListener panel))
(doto frame
(.add panel)
(.setVisible true)
(.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE))
(.start timer)

(defn run-world []
(println "Why did you run me?"))
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/physics/physics.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
(ns physics)
(require ['physics.vector :as 'vector])
(require ['physics.position :as 'position])
(require ['physics.object :as 'object])

37 changes: 0 additions & 37 deletions src/physics/vector.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,43 +2,6 @@

(defstruct vector :x :y)

(defn zero_mag? [v]
(and (zero? (:x v)) (zero? (:y v)))

(defn make
(struct vector 0 0))
([x y]
(struct vector x y))

(defn add [v1 v2]
(+ (:x v1) (:x v2))
(+ (:y v1) (:y v2)))

(defn subtract [v1 v2]
(- (:x v1) (:x v2))
(- (:y v1) (:y v2)))

(defn scale [v s]
(* (:x v) s)
(* (:y v) s))

(defn magnitude [v]
(letfn [(square [x] (* x x))]
(square (:x v))
(square (:y v))))

(defn unit [v]
(scale v (/ 1 (magnitude v))))
Expand Down

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