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Releases: unclehowell/HBnB

Monorepo (gh-pages branch) v0.0.1-rtw.6

13 Jun 04:37
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This is the source code for all the websites. docs, blog, info etc
The websites are generated dynamically within the persistent live-usb os/ environment (currently Ubuntu).
All server-side files and db's are kept in the 'dynamic' directory of this 'platform' branch.
The websites are exported as static. All static files can be found in the 'static' directory.
gh-pages is used to host the static exported websites.

  • the reason we've chosen to use the RTW (release to web) extension with the Semantic versioning is to differentiate between releases of the platform source-code & pre-compiled asset, the persistent live source-code and pre-compiled asset (which use RTM (release to market)) and the single board computer firmware/software and pre-compiled asset (which uses the RC (Release Candidate)) extension.

To-Go (Persistent-Live-USB) Disk Image v0.0.1-rtm.6

13 Jun 04:44
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The image is currently a backup of a working prototype, being uploaded elsewhere. (5Gb)
This is currently all we have to allow others to experience persistent live in action.
Once we have a netinstall/ self-building solution, we will release it here.

  • The reason we've chosen to use the RTM (release to market) extension with the Semantic versioning is to differentiate between releases of the persistent live-usb source-code & pre-compiled asset, the platform source-code and pre-compiled asset (which use RTW (release to web)) and the single board computer firmware/software and pre-compiled asset (which uses the RC (Release Candidate)) extension.

HotspotBnB Net Installer (RPI) v0.0.1-rc.6

13 Jun 04:35
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"Locally Host Your Apps" with

Interactive Online Demo

  • Free upgrade for all models of Raspberry Pi
  • Minimal file-size (less than 60Mb)
  • Fully autonomous self-build/ installation
  • works with internet speeds as slow as 256kbps

Get Started - Step 1 of 2 (5 Minutes)

  1. Download HotspotBnB v0.0.1-rc.6 and a tool to burn the image to your Raspberry Pi's MicroSD Card e.g. Etcher.

  2. Using Etcher (or a similar software) copy the .img.xz file to your MicroSD Card. (if you're using Etcher, usage instructions can be discovered on their website)

  3. HotspotBnB's default configuration presumes the Raspberry Pi will connect to the internet via Ethernet. To re-configure it to connect to your existing Wi-Fi Access Point using the onboard Wi-Fi, do the following:

    • after you've copied HotspotBnB to your MicroSD Card, eject and re-insert it into your machine
    • navigate to /boot/raspberrypi-ua-netinst/config and edit the installer-config.txt file
    • remove the hashes in front of the 'wlan_' fields and enter your Wi-Fi SSID and Password

For more installer-config.txt options you might find helpful (like timezone format) please click here

Step 2 of 2 (30 Minutes)

  1. Eject your MicroSD card from your machine. Insert it into the Raspberry Pi and power it up.

    • Autonomous installation takes 30 minutes (depending on internet speed)
    • Connect to a TV via HDMI to see the progress
    • It may reboot a few times, this is normal!
  2. Once the autonomous build has completed, identify the devices ip address (shown on your screen, if connected - otherwise scan your network for the IP of the new device)

  3. Enter the IP address into the web browser of any device connected to your local network. Displayed in your web-browser should be the HotspotBnB dashboard.

  4. The remainder of the setup can be completed onscreen using the dashboard.

In the event of an issue, please check back for latest releases with bug fixes and/or submit an issue on here.


  • If you're accessing the dashboard from a mobile device (preferably using Chrome web browser) it's recommended you save the page to your devices homescreen, so that you can launch your HotspotBnB Dashboard in the same way you do other apps on your mobile devices. Locally this will work, but to access the Raspberry Pi remotely you will need to install an application such as Dataplicity (currently being loaded to HotspotBnB's App Store).


  • This release is only a proof of concept of the autonomous self-build capabilities and a preview of the final solution (so no apps can actually be installed yet). For a disk image with apps working, please use this instead -!ZCAziaQb!P4r2FrkY0-bQnDqThiQkY0Da0ORtguYO2tCnO3CO_Ec
  • download each new release and repeat this initial installation process to experience the latest developments in near 'real-time' until we introduce our Software/ Firmware Over the Air (OTA) updates/ upgrades.
  • tested and working on all models of the raspberry pi.
  • Users will normally be prompted to accept the terms of the cryptocurrency mining when accessing the dashboard for the first time - an optional and opt-in feature. However this 'JSECoin' feature is still being integrated into HotspotBnB. (If users don't agree and accept the cryptocurrency mining, the banner just remains on the dashboard. We owe no obligation not to inhibit the user experience in this way if they aren't willing to participate in a fair exchange e.g. our software solution for access to your network devices redundant processing power)