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Underpig edited this page May 15, 2020 · 2 revisions


A comprehensive overview of all of the nodes the NeuroBGE Logic Editor has to offer.

Script and Action nodes attach to each other through the Script socket. NeuroBGE uses a flow system, so each connected node triggers the next node. Input and Converter nodes attach through any other node sockets, and Object node sockets attach from an Objective node to the target node. The Realtime property of most Input nodes determines whether the node will continuously update throughout runtime. Event nodes will trigger upon the event's occurrence. Controller nodes activate at their trigger and trigger the connected node. Controller nodes activate at their trigger and trigger the connected node. Output nodes determine for all connected nodes the target object for the script configuration. Logic nodes contain loops and variables. Moderator nodes trigger attatched nodes consecutively, with a timely relief, while Merge Script nodes connect two script nodes.

Action Node

Action nodes can be connected through the script nodes. The structure of the Logic Editor often contains events, actions, and outputs, connected into one cohesive script, that is run when the event is triggered.

  • Script
    • Connects to a script node
  • Script
    • Connects to a script node

Input Node

Input nodes can be connected through any nodes. They provide information to their predecessors.

  • Value
    • Connects to any node
  • Value
    • Connects to any node

Controller Node

Controller nodes can be connected through script nodes. They are activated upon being called by an action or event.

  • Script
    • Connects to a script node
  • Script
    • Connects to a script node

Event Node

Event nodes can be connected through script nodes. They call their preceding nodes upon the event's occurrence.

  • Script
    • Connects to a script node

Output Node

Output nodes can be connected through script nodes. They must be assigned an object, and provide information to action nodes on the object to manipulate.

  • Script
    • Connects to a script node