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A simple library which allows to create window with OpenGL rendering context, and draw into client area of window (draw area) by using OpenGL functions.


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A simple library which allows to create window with OpenGL rendering context, and draw into client area of window (draw area) by using OpenGL functions.

Provides OpenGL 1.1 functions, types, and constant (all optional to use) with and without need to use ctypes module (also optional).

  • PyTrivialOpenGL.GL - OpenGL functions, types and constants (more readable).
  • PyTrivialOpenGL.C_GL - OpenGL functions, types and constants with ctypes dependency for using (faster).

Provides some very basic functionality to draw text (optional).

  • PyTrivialOpenGL.Font
  • PyTrivialOpenGL.TextDrawer

No external DLLs are required, other than some defaults provided by system (Kernel32, User32, Dwmapi, Gdi32), python (ctypes) and graphic card vendor (OpenGL32).

No GLUT is required.

Current Problems:

  • Speed of Font and TextDrawer.
  • No python typing and python match-case. Requires moving to python versions 3.10, at least.
  • Small number of examples. Having some 3D examples would be nice.
  • No game as example.


Python Version 3.9 or later (32bit and 64bit)
py launcher Yes
Operating System Window 10

HowTo: Install

  • Go to Releases section an PyTrivialOpenGL github page and download last release package with whl extension.
  • Run py -m pip install PyTrivialOpenGL-<version>-py3-none-win32.whl in directory where is the package.

Note: The <version> in install command need to be replaced with a version of the package.

HowTo: Uninstall

  • Run py -m pip uninstall PyTrivialOpenGL.

HowTo: Install required packages for Tests and Examples

  • Run py -m pip install -r tests_and_examples_requirements.txt.

HowTo: Run Examples

  • HowTo: Install required packages for tests and examples, if not done before.
  • Go to tests_and_examples folder.
  • Run py
  • Type one of following and press enter:
    • name of example
    • l - which means last used name of example
    • d - which means default name of example
  • Type one of following and press enter:
    • nothing
    • one or many options names
    • l - which means last used options names
    • d - which means default options names


How to run example from project folder

Interesting examples to run:

  • cube_in_fog - Move with arrows and WSAD.
  • formated_text - Text auto adjust to size of window.
  • unicode_text
  • window_state - Maximize, Minimize, Hide, Windowed FullScreen, ...
  • text_box
  • animated_triangle

Examples with c_ prefix are using C_GL module instead of GL module.

Note: Local version of PyTrivialOpenGl package will be used, not installed.

When PyTrivialOpenGL package is installed, all examples can be run individually by going to tests_and_examples/PyTrivialOpenGL_TestsAndExamples/examples folder and running py <example_name>.py command.

HowTo: Run Unit Tests

Note: Local version of PyTrivialOpenGl package will be used, not installed.

HowTo: Run Manual Tests

  • HowTo: Install required packages for tests and examples, if not done before.
  • Go to tests_and_examples folder.
  • Run py
  • Type one of following and press enter:
    • name of manual test
    • l - which means last used name of manual test
    • d - which means default name of manual test
  • Type one of following and press enter:
    • nothing
    • one or many options names
    • l - which means last used options names
    • d - which means default options names

Note: Local version of PyTrivialOpenGl package will be used, not installed.

HowTo: Run Debugs

  • HowTo: Install required packages for tests and examples, if not done before.
  • Go to tests_and_examples folder.
  • Run py
  • Type one of following and press enter:
    • name of debug example
    • l - which means last used name of debug example
    • d - which means default name of debug example
  • Type one of following and press enter:
    • nothing
    • one or many options names
    • l - which means last used options names
    • d - which means default options names

Note: Local version of PyTrivialOpenGl package will be used, not installed.

HowTo: Run All non Unit Tests

  • HowTo: Install required packages for tests and examples, if not done before.
  • Go to tests_and_examples folder.
  • Run py
  • Type one of following and press enter:
    • name of example
    • l - which means last used name of example
    • d - which means default name of example
  • Type one of following and press enter:
    • nothing
    • one or many options names
    • l - which means last used options names
    • d - which means default options names

Note: Local version of package is used, not installed.

Code Examples

For more examples go to tests_and_examples/PyTrivialOpenGL_TestsAndExamples/examples folder.

Custom Icon

Loads icon image from file. Loaded icon image will be displayed on task bar and window title bar.

import PyTrivialOpenGL as togl
from PyTrivialOpenGL.GL import *

__all__ = [

def do_on_create(data):    
    glViewport(0, 0, data.width, data.height)

    glClearColor(0, 0, 0.5, 1)

    print("Escape - Exit", flush = True)

def do_on_destroy():
    print("Bye. Bye.", flush = True)

def draw():

def do_on_key(key_id, is_down, extra):
    if key_id == togl.KeyId.ESCAPE:
        if not is_down:

def do_on_resize(width, height):
    glViewport(0, 0, width, height)

def run():

    return togl.to_window().create_and_run(
        window_name         = "Custom Icon",
        area                = (800, 400),
        style               = togl.WindowStyleBit.DRAW_AREA_SIZE,

        icon_file_name      = "icon.ico",

        do_on_create        = do_on_create,
        do_on_destroy       = do_on_destroy,

        draw                = draw,

        do_on_key           = do_on_key,
        do_on_resize        = do_on_resize,

if __name__ == "__main__":

Back to: Code Examples

Specific OpenGL Version

This example crates OpenGL Rendering Context for at least version 3.3 with Compatibility Profile.

import PyTrivialOpenGL as togl
from PyTrivialOpenGL.GL import *

__all__ = [

def do_on_create(data):

    glViewport(0, 0, data.width, data.height)

    glClearColor(0, 0, 0.5, 1)

    print("Escape - Exit", flush = True)

def do_on_destroy():

    print("Bye. Bye.", flush = True)

def draw():

def do_on_key(key_id, is_down, extra):
    if key_id == togl.KeyId.ESCAPE:
        if not is_down:

def do_on_resize(width, height):
    glViewport(0, 0, width, height)

def run():

    return togl.to_window().create_and_run(
        window_name         = "OpenGL Version",

        area                = (800, 400),
        style               = togl.WindowStyleBit.DRAW_AREA_SIZE,

        opengl_version      = (3, 3),

        do_on_create        = do_on_create,
        do_on_destroy       = do_on_destroy,

        draw                = draw,

        do_on_key           = do_on_key,
        do_on_resize        = do_on_resize,

if __name__ == "__main__":

Back to: Code Examples


Displays a message each 500ms.

import PyTrivialOpenGL as togl
from PyTrivialOpenGL.GL import *

__all__ = [

def do_on_create(data):

    glViewport(0, 0, data.width, data.height)

    glClearColor(0, 0, 0.5, 1)

    print("Escape - Exit", flush = True)

def do_on_destroy():

    print("Bye. Bye.", flush = True)

def draw():

def do_on_time(time_interval):
    print("500ms", flush = True)

def do_on_key(key_id, is_down, extra):
    if key_id == togl.KeyId.ESCAPE:
        if not is_down:

def do_on_resize(width, height):
    glViewport(0, 0, width, height)

def run():

    return togl.to_window().create_and_run(
        window_name         = "Timer",

        area                = (800, 400),
        style               = togl.WindowStyleBit.DRAW_AREA_SIZE,
        timer_time_interval = 500,

        do_on_create        = do_on_create,
        do_on_destroy       = do_on_destroy,
        do_on_time          = do_on_time,

        draw                = draw,

        do_on_key           = do_on_key,
        do_on_resize        = do_on_resize,

if __name__ == "__main__":

Back to: Code Examples

Ask on Close

Displays message box when pressing close button on window title bar, with question about close.

import PyTrivialOpenGL as togl
from PyTrivialOpenGL.GL import *

__all__ = [

def do_on_create(data):

    glViewport(0, 0, data.width, data.height)

    glClearColor(0, 0, 0.5, 1)

    print("Escape - Exit", flush = True)

def do_on_close():
    return togl.run_question_box("Close", "Are you sure?")

def do_on_destroy():

    print("Bye. Bye.", flush = True)

def draw():

def do_on_key(key_id, is_down, extra):
    if key_id == togl.KeyId.ESCAPE:
        if not is_down:

def do_on_resize(width, height):
    glViewport(0, 0, width, height)

def run():

    return togl.to_window().create_and_run(
        window_name         = "Ask on Close",

        area                = (800, 400),
        style               = togl.WindowStyleBit.DRAW_AREA_SIZE,

        do_on_create        = do_on_create,
        do_on_close         = do_on_close,
        do_on_destroy       = do_on_destroy,

        draw                = draw,

        do_on_key           = do_on_key,
        do_on_resize        = do_on_resize,

if __name__ == "__main__":

Back to: Code Examples

Simple Triangle

Draws simple triangle.

import PyTrivialOpenGL as togl
from PyTrivialOpenGL.GL import *

__all__ = [

def do_on_create(data):    
    glViewport(0, 0, data.width, data.height)

    glClearColor(0, 0, 0.5, 1)

    print("Escape - Exit", flush = True)

def do_on_destroy():
    print("Bye. Bye.", flush = True)

def draw():


    glColor3f(1, 0, 0)
    glVertex2f(0.5, -0.5)

    glColor3f(0, 1, 0)
    glVertex2f(-0.5, -0.5)

    glColor3f(0, 0, 1)
    glVertex2f(0, 0.5)


def do_on_key(key_id, is_down, extra):
    if key_id == togl.KeyId.ESCAPE:
        if not is_down:

def do_on_resize(width, height):
    glViewport(0, 0, width, height)

def run():

    return togl.to_window().create_and_run(
        window_name         = "Simple Triangle",

        # Sets width and height of windows draw area.
        area                = (800, 400),

        # Interprets size from 'area' parameter as size of draw area of window.
        style               = togl.WindowStyleBit.DRAW_AREA_SIZE,

        do_on_create        = do_on_create,
        do_on_destroy       = do_on_destroy,

        draw                = draw,

        do_on_key           = do_on_key,
        do_on_resize        = do_on_resize,

if __name__ == "__main__":

Back to: Code Examples

Animated Triangle

Displays rotating triangle.

import PyTrivialOpenGL as togl
from PyTrivialOpenGL.GL import *

import math

__all__ = [

def draw_rgb_triangle():


    glColor3f(1, 0, 0)
    angle = 0
    glVertex2f(math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle))

    glColor3f(0, 1, 0)
    angle += math.pi * 2 / 3
    glVertex2f(math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle))

    glColor3f(0, 0, 1)
    angle += math.pi * 2 / 3
    glVertex2f(math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle))



class AnimatedTriangle:
    def __init__(self, x, y, scale, rotation_speed):
        x               : int
        y               : int
        scale           : float
        rotation_speed  : float
            In degrees per second.
        self.set_pos(x, y)

        self._angle = 0.0
    def set_pos(self, x, y):
        x               : int
        y               : int
        self._x     = x
        self._y     = y

    def set_scale(self, scale):
        scale          : float
        self._scale  = scale

    def set_rotation_speed(self, rotation_speed):
        rotation_speed  : float
            In degrees per second.
        self._rotation_speed = rotation_speed

    def draw(self):

        glTranslatef(self._x, self._y, 0)
        glRotatef(self._angle, 0, 0, 1)
        glScalef(self._scale, self._scale, 1)



    def update(self, delta_time):
        delta_time : float
            In seconds.
        self._angle += self._rotation_speed * delta_time
        self._angle %= 360

_animated_triangle = AnimatedTriangle(0, 0, 100.0, 20.0)

def resize(width, height):
    glViewport(0, 0, width, height)

    glOrtho(0, width, 0, height, 1, -1)

    _animated_triangle.set_pos(width // 2, height // 2)

    scale = width if width < height else height
    scale *= 0.5


def do_on_create(data):

    resize(data.width, data.height)

    glClearColor(0, 0, 0.5, 1)

    print("Escape - Exit", flush = True)

def do_on_destroy():

    print("Bye. Bye.", flush = True)

def draw():


def do_on_time(time_interval):
    _animated_triangle.update(time_interval / 1000)

def do_on_key(key_id, is_down, extra):
    if key_id == togl.KeyId.ESCAPE:
        if not is_down:

def do_on_resize(width, height):
    resize(width, height)

def run():

    return togl.to_window().create_and_run(
        window_name         = "Animated Triangle",

        area                = (800, 400),
        style               = togl.WindowStyleBit.DRAW_AREA_SIZE,
        timer_time_interval = 20,

        do_on_create        = do_on_create,
        do_on_destroy       = do_on_destroy,
        do_on_time          = do_on_time,

        draw                = draw,

        do_on_key           = do_on_key,
        do_on_resize        = do_on_resize,

if __name__ == "__main__":

Back to: Code Examples


A simple library which allows to create window with OpenGL rendering context, and draw into client area of window (draw area) by using OpenGL functions.








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