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NOTE: This project is no longer maintained. Please fork and update it if you want to use it.

Adds Mustache template engine support to WordPress with one of its PHP and one of its Javascript implementations so you can use Mustache template files in your theme development and reuse the same template files across two languages.

An interesting case use would be combining Mustache with WordPress JSON REST API to supply JSON data to your Mustache template files, for example.


Install the plugin as you would with any WordPress plugin in your wp-content/plugins/ directory or equivalent.

Once installed, activate Mustacciuoli from WordPress plugins dashboard page and you're ready to go, Mustache PHP library will be loaded already and mustache.js script enqueued.

Usage (PHP)

To render a template file in PHP you need to follow Mustache.php instructions, for example:

// instantiate Mustache
$mustache = new Mustache_Engine( array(
	'loader'          => new Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader( 'your-path-to/templates' ),
	'partials_loader' => new Mustache_Loader_FilesystemLoader( 'your-path-to/templates/partials' ),
	'charset'         => get_bloginfo( 'charset' ),
	'cache'           => 'your-path-to/cache',
) );

// load template in a variable
$template = $mustache->loadTemplate( 'your-template-file' );
// render (output) the compiled template by echoing it
echo $template->render( array( 'your-vars') );

You could register $mustache as a global in your functions.php file and use it across your theme, so you won't need to instatiate Mustache multiple times.

Usage (Javascript)

Refer to mustache.js documentation.

Don't need the JS support? If you want to disable mustache.js, you can de-queue the script with this code in your theme functions.php file (an example):

function dequeue_mustacciuoli() {
	wp_dequeue_script( 'mustacciuoli' );
add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'dequeue_mustacciuoli', 100 );


Why this is not available on

WordPress lacks of a template engine and for theming and templating encourages mixing PHP and HTML, adding function and logic to presentation, often resulting in a spaghetti mess. This has been very controversial. At the same time different developers came with different solutions to the problem, usually fit to their personal or team workflow - which is all reasonable. Mustacciuoli is in no way different. However, the guys at the official Plugin's directory realized that all this may confuse users and have made a rule to exclude frameworks, boilerplates, and developer libraries such as those included in this plugin from the official repository for the time being. Therefore, please refer to this repo on Github for updates/contributions/support, thank you.