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James Reynolds edited this page Dec 2, 2021 · 2 revisions

General Updates


Since we recorded our session over a month ago, some of the information in our presentation is out of date already. We have spent the time between when we recorded the presentation and now (October 14, 2021) getting GitHub actions working so that it will test and publish to pypi. It took longer to get this working than we thought. So that's about where we are. But it works now. We also added some Docker containers that you can run locally to try out python-jamf and jctl. There are also some minor differences in pkgctl than what is shown in the presentation.

I should also mention, one of us also had an issue where we assumed that pkgctl was crashing our production Jamf Pro server. But, increasing the amount of RAM and CPU's for that server stopped the crashing.

Release Summary

We're just gettings started.