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Self Repair Manifesto

unknowndomain edited this page Apr 4, 2013 · 3 revisions

Self-Repair Manifesto

Self-Repair Manifesto

The Self-Repair Manifesto was produced by iFixit, and is very much marketing material for their cause, however it has some principals and rights which are worth reading...

  1. Repair is better than recycling.
  2. Repair saves the planet.
  3. Repair saves you money.
  4. Repair teaches engineering.
  5. If you can't fix it. You don't own it.

In a separate sub-section it defines a set of rights:

  1. To open and repair our things without voiding the warranty.
  2. To devices that can be opened.
  3. To error codes and wiring diagrams.
  4. To troubleshooting instructions and flowcharts.
  5. To repair documentation for everything.
  6. To choose our own repair technician.
  7. To remove the 'Do not remove' stickers.
  8. To repair things in the privacy of our own homes.
  9. To replace any and all consumables ourselves.
  10. To hardware that doesn't require proprietary tools to repair.
  11. To available, reasonably priced service parts.

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