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feat(ColorPicker): Add ColorConversion, Hsv & Rgb structs
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robloo committed Sep 3, 2020
1 parent ade4231 commit 95a4bd1
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346 changes: 346 additions & 0 deletions src/Uno.UI/Microsoft/UI/Xaml/Controls/Common/ColorConversion.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using Windows.UI;

namespace Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls
internal static class ColorConversion
public static UInt64? TryParseInt(string s)
return TryParseInt(s, 10 /* numBase */);

public static UInt64? TryParseInt(string str, int numBase)
// If we have a zero-length string, then we can immediately know
// that this is not a valid integer.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
return null;

// Uno Doc: Using C#/.net methods instead, only works for base 10 or 16
switch (numBase)
case 10:
if (UInt64.TryParse(str, out UInt64 result))
return result;

case 16:
if (UInt64.TryParse(str, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out UInt64 result))
return result;

// Uno Doc: C++ methodology does not easily convert to C#
/*wchar_t *end;
// wcstoll takes in a string and converts as much as it as it can to an integer value,
// returning a pointer to the first element that it wasn't able to consider part of an integer.
// If we got all the way to the end of the string, then the whole thing was a valid string.
auto result = wcstoul(, &end, base);
if (*end == '\0')
return result;

return null;

public static Hsv RgbToHsv(Rgb rgb)
double hue;
double saturation;
double value;

double max = rgb.R >= rgb.G ? (rgb.R >= rgb.B ? rgb.R : rgb.B) : (rgb.G >= rgb.B ? rgb.G : rgb.B);
double min = rgb.R <= rgb.G ? (rgb.R <= rgb.B ? rgb.R : rgb.B) : (rgb.G <= rgb.B ? rgb.G : rgb.B);

// The value, a number between 0 and 1, is the largest of R, G, and B (divided by 255).
// Conceptually speaking, it represents how much color is present.
// If at least one of R, G, B is 255, then there exists as much color as there can be.
// If RGB = (0, 0, 0), then there exists no color at all - a value of zero corresponds
// to black (i.e., the absence of any color).
value = max;

// The "chroma" of the color is a value directly proportional to the extent to which
// the color diverges from greyscale. If, for example, we have RGB = (255, 255, 0),
// then the chroma is maximized - this is a pure yellow, no grey of any kind.
// On the other hand, if we have RGB = (128, 128, 128), then the chroma being zero
// implies that this color is pure greyscale, with no actual hue to be found.
double chroma = max - min;

// If the chrome is zero, then hue is technically undefined - a greyscale color
// has no hue. For the sake of convenience, we'll just set hue to zero, since
// it will be unused in this circumstance. Since the color is purely grey,
// saturation is also equal to zero - you can think of saturation as basically
// a measure of hue intensity, such that no hue at all corresponds to a
// nonexistent intensity.
if (chroma == 0)
hue = 0.0;
saturation = 0.0;
// In this block, hue is properly defined, so we'll extract both hue
// and saturation information from the RGB color.

// Hue can be thought of as a cyclical thing, between 0 degrees and 360 degrees.
// A hue of 0 degrees is red; 120 degrees is green; 240 degrees is blue; and 360 is back to red.
// Every other hue is somewhere between either red and green, green and blue, and blue and red,
// so every other hue can be thought of as an angle on this color wheel.
// These if/else statements determines where on this color wheel our color lies.
if (rgb.R == max)
// If the red channel is the most pronounced channel, then we exist
// somewhere between (-60, 60) on the color wheel - i.e., the section around 0 degrees
// where red dominates. We figure out where in that section we are exactly
// by considering whether the green or the blue channel is greater - by subtracting green from blue,
// then if green is greater, we'll nudge ourselves closer to 60, whereas if blue is greater, then
// we'll nudge ourselves closer to -60. We then divide by chroma (which will actually make the result larger,
// since chroma is a value between 0 and 1) to normalize the value to ensure that we get the right hue
// even if we're very close to greyscale.
hue = 60 * (rgb.G - rgb.B) / chroma;
else if (rgb.G == max)
// We do the exact same for the case where the green channel is the most pronounced channel,
// only this time we want to see if we should tilt towards the blue direction or the red direction.
// We add 120 to center our value in the green third of the color wheel.
hue = 120 + 60 * (rgb.B - rgb.R) / chroma;
else // rgb.B == max
// And we also do the exact same for the case where the blue channel is the most pronounced channel,
// only this time we want to see if we should tilt towards the red direction or the green direction.
// We add 240 to center our value in the blue third of the color wheel.
hue = 240 + 60 * (rgb.R - rgb.G) / chroma;

// Since we want to work within the range [0, 360), we'll add 360 to any value less than zero -
// this will bump red values from within -60 to -1 to 300 to 359. The hue is the same at both values.
if (hue < 0.0)
hue += 360.0;

// The saturation, our final HSV axis, can be thought of as a value between 0 and 1 indicating how intense our color is.
// To find it, we divide the chroma - the distance between the minimum and the maximum RGB channels - by the maximum channel (i.e., the value).
// This effectively normalizes the chroma - if the maximum is 0.5 and the minimum is 0, the saturation will be (0.5 - 0) / 0.5 = 1,
// meaning that although this color is not as bright as it can be, the dark color is as intense as it possibly could be.
// If, on the other hand, the maximum is 0.5 and the minimum is 0.25, then the saturation will be (0.5 - 0.25) / 0.5 = 0.5,
// meaning that this color is partially washed out.
// A saturation value of 0 corresponds to a greyscale color, one in which the color is *completely* washed out and there is no actual hue.
saturation = chroma / value;

return new Hsv(hue, saturation, value);

public static Rgb HsvToRgb(Hsv hsv)
double hue = hsv.H;
double saturation = hsv.S;
double value = hsv.V;

// We want the hue to be between 0 and 359,
// so we first ensure that that's the case.
while (hue >= 360.0)
hue -= 360.0;

while (hue < 0.0)
hue += 360.0;

// We similarly clamp saturation and value between 0 and 1.
saturation = saturation < 0.0 ? 0.0 : saturation;
saturation = saturation > 1.0 ? 1.0 : saturation;

value = value < 0.0 ? 0.0 : value;
value = value > 1.0 ? 1.0 : value;

// The first thing that we need to do is to determine the chroma (see above for its definition).
// Remember from above that:
// 1. The chroma is the difference between the maximum and the minimum of the RGB channels,
// 2. The value is the maximum of the RGB channels, and
// 3. The saturation comes from dividing the chroma by the maximum of the RGB channels (i.e., the value).
// From these facts, you can see that we can retrieve the chroma by simply multiplying the saturation and the value,
// and we can retrieve the minimum of the RGB channels by subtracting the chroma from the value.
double chroma = saturation * value;
double min = value - chroma;

// If the chroma is zero, then we have a greyscale color. In that case, the maximum and the minimum RGB channels
// have the same value (and, indeed, all of the RGB channels are the same), so we can just immediately return
// the minimum value as the value of all the channels.
if (chroma == 0)
return new Rgb(min, min, min);

// If the chroma is not zero, then we need to continue. The first step is to figure out
// what section of the color wheel we're located in. In order to do that, we'll divide the hue by 60.
// The resulting value means we're in one of the following locations:
// 0 - Between red and yellow.
// 1 - Between yellow and green.
// 2 - Between green and cyan.
// 3 - Between cyan and blue.
// 4 - Between blue and purple.
// 5 - Between purple and red.
// In each of these sextants, one of the RGB channels is completely present, one is partially present, and one is not present.
// For example, as we transition between red and yellow, red is completely present, green is becoming increasingly present, and blue is not present.
// Then, as we transition from yellow and green, green is now completely present, red is becoming decreasingly present, and blue is still not present.
// As we transition from green to cyan, green is still completely present, blue is becoming increasingly present, and red is no longer present. And so on.
// To convert from hue to RGB value, we first need to figure out which of the three channels is in which configuration
// in the sextant that we're located in. Next, we figure out what value the completely-present color should have.
// We know that chroma = (max - min), and we know that this color is the max color, so to find its value we simply add
// min to chroma to retrieve max. Finally, we consider how far we've transitioned from the pure form of that color
// to the next color (e.g., how far we are from pure red towards yellow), and give a value to the partially present channel
// equal to the minimum plus the chroma (i.e., the max minus the min), multiplied by the percentage towards the new color.
// This gets us a value between the maximum and the minimum representing the partially present channel.
// Finally, the not-present color must be equal to the minimum value, since it is the one least participating in the overall color.
int sextant = (int)(hue / 60); // Uno Doc: Math.Floor() is required after conversion to C# as C++ casts to int differently
double intermediateColorPercentage = hue / 60 - sextant;
double max = chroma + min;

double r = 0;
double g = 0;
double b = 0;

switch (sextant)
case 0:
r = max;
g = min + chroma * intermediateColorPercentage;
b = min;
case 1:
r = min + chroma * (1 - intermediateColorPercentage);
g = max;
b = min;
case 2:
r = min;
g = max;
b = min + chroma * intermediateColorPercentage;
case 3:
r = min;
g = min + chroma * (1 - intermediateColorPercentage);
b = max;
case 4:
r = min + chroma * intermediateColorPercentage;
g = min;
b = max;
case 5:
r = max;
g = min;
b = min + chroma * (1 - intermediateColorPercentage);

return new Rgb(r, g, b);

public static Rgb HexToRgb(string input)
var (rgb, a) = HexToRgba(input);
return rgb;

public static string RgbToHex(Rgb rgb)
byte rByte = (byte)Math.Round(rgb.R * 255.0);
byte gByte = (byte)Math.Round(rgb.G * 255.0);
byte bByte = (byte)Math.Round(rgb.B * 255.0);

UInt64 hexValue = ((UInt64)rByte << 16) + ((UInt64)gByte << 8) + (UInt64)bByte;

// Uno Doc: Using C#/.net string methods instead
string hexString = string.Format("#{0:X6}", hexValue);

// We'll size this string to accommodate "#XXXXXX" - i.e., a full RGB number with a # sign.
//wchar_t hexString[8];
//winrt::check_hresult(StringCchPrintfW(&hexString[0], 8, L"#%06X", hexValue));

return hexString;

public static (Rgb, double) HexToRgba(string input)
// The input always begins with a #, so we'll move past that.
input = input?.Length > 1 ? input?.Substring(1) : input;

var hexValue = TryParseInt(input, 16);

// If we failed to parse the string into an integer, then we'll return all -1's.
// ARGB values can never be negative, so this is a convenient error state to use
// to indicate that this value should not actually be used.
if (!hexValue.HasValue)
return (new Rgb(-1, -1, -1), -1);

var hex = hexValue.Value;
byte a = (byte)((hex & 0xff000000) >> 24);
byte r = (byte)((hex & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
byte g = (byte)((hex & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
byte b = (byte)(hex & 0x000000ff);

return (new Rgb(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0), a / 255.0);

public static string RgbaToHex(Rgb rgb, double alpha)
byte aByte = (byte)Math.Round(alpha * 255.0);
byte rByte = (byte)Math.Round(rgb.R * 255.0);
byte gByte = (byte)Math.Round(rgb.G * 255.0);
byte bByte = (byte)Math.Round(rgb.B * 255.0);

UInt64 hexValue = ((UInt64)aByte << 24) + ((UInt64)rByte << 16) + ((UInt64)gByte << 8) + ((UInt64)bByte & 0xff);

// Uno Doc: Using C#/.net string methods instead
string hexString = string.Format("#{0:X8}", hexValue);

// We'll size this string to accommodate "#XXXXXXXX" - i.e., a full ARGB number with a # sign.
//wchar_t hexString[10];
//winrt::check_hresult(StringCchPrintfW(&hexString[0], 10, L"#%08X", hexValue));

return hexString;

public static Color ColorFromRgba(Rgb rgb, double alpha = 1.0)
return Color.FromArgb(
(byte)Math.Round(alpha * 255),
(byte)Math.Round(rgb.R * 255),
(byte)Math.Round(rgb.G * 255),
(byte)Math.Round(rgb.B * 255));

public static Rgb RgbFromColor(Color color)
return new Rgb(color.R / 255.0, color.G / 255.0, color.B / 255.0);
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions src/Uno.UI/Microsoft/UI/Xaml/Controls/Common/Hsv.cs
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
using System.Numerics;

namespace Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls
// Uno Doc: Originally defined in ColorConversion.h in WinUI but moved here to a separate file.
internal struct Hsv
public double H { get; set; }
public double S { get; set; }
public double V { get; set; }

public Hsv(double h, double s, double v)
this.H = h;
this.S = s;
this.V = v;

// Uno Docs: The following methods were originally defined in ColorConversion.h in a separate "hsv" namespace.
// They had to be moved into a class for C# and here in the Hsv class made the most sense.
public static float GetHue(Vector4 hsva) { return hsva.X; }
public static void SetHue(Vector4 hsva, float hue) { hsva.X = hue; }
public static float GetSaturation(Vector4 hsva) { return hsva.Y; }
public static void SetSaturation(Vector4 hsva, float saturation) { hsva.Y = saturation; }
public static float GetValue(Vector4 hsva) { return hsva.Z; }
public static void SetValue(Vector4 hsva, float value) { hsva.Z = value; }
public static float GetAlpha(Vector4 hsva) { return hsva.W; }
public static void SetAlpha(Vector4 hsva, float alpha) { hsva.W = alpha; }
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/Uno.UI/Microsoft/UI/Xaml/Controls/Common/Rgb.cs
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
namespace Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls
// Uno Doc: Originally defined in ColorConversion.h in WinUI but moved here to a separate file.
internal struct Rgb
public double R { get; set; }
public double G { get; set; }
public double B { get; set; }

public Rgb(double r, double g, double b)
this.R = r;
this.G = g;
this.B = b;

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