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feat(dragdrop): Extract the hit testing algorithm
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  • Loading branch information
dr1rrb committed Oct 16, 2020
1 parent 866d8da commit ca0688e
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Showing 5 changed files with 356 additions and 372 deletions.
305 changes: 300 additions & 5 deletions src/Uno.UI/UI/Xaml/Media/VisualTreeHelper.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
using System;
#nullable enable

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using Uno.UI;
using Windows.Foundation;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;
using Uno.Extensions;
using Uno.Disposables;
using Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting;
using Windows.UI.Core;
using Uno.Logging;
using Uno.UI.Extensions;

Expand All @@ -29,7 +37,7 @@ namespace Windows.UI.Xaml.Media
public partial class VisualTreeHelper
private static List<WeakReference<IPopup>> _openPopups = new List<WeakReference<IPopup>>();
private static readonly List<WeakReference<IPopup>> _openPopups = new List<WeakReference<IPopup>>();

internal static IDisposable RegisterOpenPopup(IPopup popup)
Expand All @@ -54,7 +62,7 @@ public static IEnumerable<UIElement> FindElementsInHostCoordinates(Rect intersec
throw new NotSupportedException();

public static IEnumerable<UIElement> FindElementsInHostCoordinates(Point intersectingPoint, UIElement subtree, bool includeAllElements)
public static IEnumerable<UIElement> FindElementsInHostCoordinates(Point intersectingPoint, UIElement? subtree, bool includeAllElements)
if (subtree != null)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,7 +105,7 @@ public static IEnumerable<UIElement> FindElementsInHostCoordinates(Rect intersec
throw new NotSupportedException();

public static DependencyObject GetChild(DependencyObject reference, int childIndex)
public static DependencyObject? GetChild(DependencyObject reference, int childIndex)
return (reference as _ViewGroup)?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,7 +144,7 @@ public static IReadOnlyList<Popup> GetOpenPopups(Window window)

public static DependencyObject GetParent(DependencyObject reference)
public static DependencyObject? GetParent(DependencyObject reference)
return (reference as _ViewGroup)?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,5 +201,292 @@ public static FrameworkElement TryAdaptNative(_View view)

return AdaptNative(view);

internal static (UIElement? element, Branch? stale) HitTest(
Point position,
Predicate<UIElement>? isStale = null
, [CallerMemberName] string? caller = null)
using var _ = BEGIN_TRACE();
TRACE($"[{caller!.Replace("CoreWindow_Pointer", "").ToUpperInvariant()}] @{position.ToDebugString()}");
if (Window.Current.RootElement is UIElement root)
return SearchDownForTopMostElementAt(position, root, isStale);

return default;

private static (UIElement? element, Branch? stale) SearchDownForTopMostElementAt(
Point posRelToParent,
UIElement element,
Predicate<UIElement>? isStale = null,
Func<IEnumerable<UIElement>, IEnumerable<UIElement>>? childrenFilter = null)
var stale = default(Branch?);
var elementHitTestVisibility = element.GetHitTestVisibility();

using var _ = SET_TRACE_SUBJECT(element);
TRACE($"- hit test visibility: {elementHitTestVisibility}");

// If the element is not hit testable, do not even try to validate it nor its children.
if (elementHitTestVisibility == UIElement.HitTestVisibility.Collapsed)
// Even if collapsed, if the element is stale, we search down for the real stale leaf
if (isStale?.Invoke(element) ?? false)
stale = SearchDownForStaleBranch(element, isStale);

TRACE($"> NOT FOUND (Element is HitTestVisibility.Collapsed) | stale branch: {stale?.ToString() ?? "-- none --"}");
return (default, stale);

// The region where the element was arrange by its parent.
// This is expressed in parent coordinate space
var layoutSlot = element.LayoutSlotWithMarginsAndAlignments;

// The maximum region where the current element and its children might draw themselves
// TODO: Get the real clipping rect! For now we assume no clipping.
// This is expressed in element coordinate space.
var clippingBounds = Rect.Infinite;

// The region where the current element draws itself.
// Be aware that children might be out of this rendering bounds if no clipping defined. TODO: .Intersect(clippingBounds)
// This is expressed in element coordinate space.
var renderingBounds = new Rect(new Point(), layoutSlot.Size);

// First compute the 'position' in the current element coordinate space
var posRelToElement = posRelToParent;

posRelToElement.X -= layoutSlot.X;
posRelToElement.Y -= layoutSlot.Y;

var renderTransform = element.RenderTransform;
if (renderTransform != null)
Matrix3x2.Invert(renderTransform.MatrixCore, out var parentToElement);

TRACE($"- renderTransform: [{parentToElement.M11:F2},{parentToElement.M12:F2} / {parentToElement.M21:F2},{parentToElement.M22:F2} / {parentToElement.M31:F2},{parentToElement.M32:F2}]");

posRelToElement = parentToElement.Transform(posRelToElement);
renderingBounds = parentToElement.Transform(renderingBounds);

if (element is ScrollViewer sv)
var zoom = sv.ZoomFactor;

TRACE($"- scroller: x={sv.HorizontalOffset} | y={sv.VerticalOffset} | zoom={zoom}");

posRelToElement.X /= zoom;
posRelToElement.Y /= zoom;

// No needs to adjust the position:
// On Skia the scrolling is achieved using a RenderTransform on the content of the ScrollContentPresenter,
// so it will already be taken in consideration by the case above.
//posRelToElement.X += sv.HorizontalOffset;
//posRelToElement.Y += sv.VerticalOffset;

renderingBounds = new Rect(renderingBounds.Location, new Size(sv.ExtentWidth, sv.ExtentHeight));

TRACE($"- layoutSlot: {layoutSlot.ToDebugString()}");
TRACE($"- renderBounds (relative to element): {renderingBounds.ToDebugString()}");
TRACE($"- clippingBounds (relative to element): {clippingBounds.ToDebugString()}");
TRACE($"- position relative to element: {posRelToElement.ToDebugString()} | relative to parent: {posRelToParent.ToDebugString()}");

// Validate that the pointer is in the bounds of the element
if (!clippingBounds.Contains(posRelToElement))
// Even if out of bounds, if the element is stale, we search down for the real stale leaf
if (isStale?.Invoke(element) ?? false)
stale = SearchDownForStaleBranch(element, isStale);

TRACE($"> NOT FOUND (Out of the **clipped** bounds) | stale branch: {stale?.ToString() ?? "-- none --"}");
return (default, stale);

// Validate if any child is an acceptable target
var children = childrenFilter is null ? element.GetChildren() : childrenFilter(element.GetChildren());
using var child = children.Reverse().GetEnumerator();
var isChildStale = isStale;
while (child.MoveNext())
var childResult = SearchDownForTopMostElementAt(posRelToElement, child.Current, isChildStale);

// If we found a stale element in child sub-tree, keep it and stop looking for stale elements
if (childResult.stale is { })
stale = childResult.stale;
isChildStale = null;

// If we found an acceptable element in the child's sub-tree, job is done!
if (childResult.element is { })
if (isChildStale is { }) // Also indicates that stale is null
// If we didn't find any stale root in previous children or in the child's sub tree,
// we continue to enumerate sibling children to detect a potential stale root.

while (child.MoveNext())
if (isChildStale(child.Current))
stale = SearchDownForStaleBranch(child.Current, isChildStale);

TRACE($"> found child: {childResult.element.GetDebugName()} | stale branch: {stale?.ToString() ?? "-- none --"}");
return (childResult.element, stale);

// We didn't find any child at the given position, validate that element can be touched (i.e. not HitTestVisibility.Invisible),
// and the position is in actual bounds (which might be different than the clipping bounds)
if (elementHitTestVisibility == UIElement.HitTestVisibility.Visible && renderingBounds.Contains(posRelToElement))
TRACE($"> LEAF! ({element.GetDebugName()} is the OriginalSource) | stale branch: {stale?.ToString() ?? "-- none --"}");
return (element, stale);
// If no stale element found yet, validate if the current is stale.
// Note: no needs to search down for stale child, we already did it!
if (isStale?.Invoke(element) ?? false)
stale = new Branch(element, stale?.Leaf ?? element);

TRACE($"> NOT FOUND (HitTestVisibility.Invisible or out of the **render** bounds) | stale branch: {stale?.ToString() ?? "-- none --"}");
return (default, stale);

private static Branch SearchDownForStaleBranch(UIElement staleRoot, Predicate<UIElement> isStale)
=> new Branch(staleRoot, SearchDownForStaleLeaf(staleRoot, isStale));

private static UIElement SearchDownForStaleLeaf(UIElement staleRoot, Predicate<UIElement> isStale)
foreach (var child in staleRoot.GetChildren().Reverse())
if (isStale(child))
return SearchDownForStaleLeaf(child, isStale);

return staleRoot;

#region Helpers
private static Func<IEnumerable<UIElement>, IEnumerable<UIElement>> Except(UIElement element)
=> children => children.Except(element);

private static Func<IEnumerable<UIElement>, IEnumerable<UIElement>> SkipUntil(UIElement element)
=> children => SkipUntilCore(element, children);

private static IEnumerable<UIElement> SkipUntilCore(UIElement element, IEnumerable<UIElement> children)
using var enumerator = children.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext() && enumerator.Current != element)

if (!enumerator.MoveNext())
yield break;

while (enumerator.MoveNext())
yield return enumerator.Current;

#region HitTest tracing
private static StringBuilder? _trace;

private static UIElement? _traceSubject;

private static IDisposable BEGIN_TRACE()
_trace = new StringBuilder();

return Disposable.Create(() =>
_trace = null;

private static IDisposable SET_TRACE_SUBJECT(UIElement element)
if (_trace is { })
var previous = _traceSubject;
_traceSubject = element;

_trace.Append(new string('\t', _traceSubject.Depth - 1));

return Disposable.Create(() => _traceSubject = previous);
return Disposable.Empty;

private static void TRACE(FormattableString msg)
if (_trace is { })
_trace.Append(new string('\t', _traceSubject?.Depth ?? 0));

internal struct Branch
public Branch(UIElement root, UIElement leaf)
Root = root;
Leaf = leaf;

public readonly UIElement Root;
public readonly UIElement Leaf;

public void Deconstruct(out UIElement root, out UIElement leaf)
root = Root;
leaf = Leaf;

public override string ToString() => $"Root={Root.GetDebugName()} | Leaf={Leaf.GetDebugName()}";
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Uno.UI/UI/Xaml/UIElement.PointerCapture.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ private void RemoveCore(PointerCaptureTarget target, PointerCaptureKind kinds)
public bool ValidateAndUpdate(UIElement element, PointerRoutedEventArgs args, bool autoRelease)
if ((autoRelease && MostRecentDispatchedEventFrameId < args.FrameId)
|| !_nativeCaptureElement.IsHitTestVisibleCoalesced)
|| _nativeCaptureElement.GetHitTestVisibility() == HitTestVisibility.Collapsed)
// If 'autoRelease' we want to release any previous capture that was not release properly no matter the reason.
// BUT we don't want to release a capture that was made by a child control (so LastDispatchedEventFrameId should already be equals to current FrameId).
Expand Down

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