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TomasZamecnik edited this page Dec 7, 2011 · 1 revision

Project Time Line


  • Project idea, Team creation
  • Write requirements specification, Analyse concurent software, Analyse technologies


  • Install and test 3rd party libraries, Write technical specification, Create rough object model


  • Embedding osg, osgEarth to testing Qt application
  • Test development on Mac
  • Create application core, Crete plugin/core interfaces, Create core GUI, create blank settings dialog
  • Start with plugins coding, create separate project for each plugin
  • Make consistent master branch, tag it (e.g. "Start")
  • "Start" includes plugin/core interface, basic GUI and stub for each plugin
  • maps: visualization of globe, user interactions (panning, zooming, ...)
  • task declaration: cup file library
  • igc: igc file library
  • airspace, airfields: openairspace files loading


  • core: loading/saving settings
  • maps: visualization of state boundaries, terrain and water, loading maps from disk/network
  • airspace, airfields: visualization of airspace
  • task declaration: basic GUI, task drawing
  • igc: basic GUI, flight visualization
  • FR: GUI (menu item, dialog)
  • testing, bug fixing
  • merge branches to master, tag it (e.g. "January stable")


  • maps: additional layers (vector labels, raster maps), update settings dialog
  • airfields: loading airfields via cup file library, visualization of airfields, update settings dialog
  • FR: LX20 communication (downloading igcs, uploading tasks), update settings dialog
  • task declaration: final GUI, task saving, task loading, update settings dialog
  • igc: final GUI, statistics, update settings dialog
  • testing, bug fixing
  • merge branches to master, tag it (e.g. "February stable")


  • weather: GUI, visualization, downloading from FlyMet, support at least 2 different layers

  • testing, bug fixing

  • create installation packages for Win, Mac, Linux

  • merge branches to master, tag it (e.g. "Release 1.0")

  • "Release 1.0" contains all specified features and is stable (unspecified features are optional but stable)


  • testing, bug fixing
  • merge branches, tag it (e.g. "Release 1.0 Hot fix 1")
  • Documentation


  • Prepare presentation
  • Commitment, defense


  • Reserve month
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