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Simple Facebook SDK for Android which wraps original Facebook SDK 3.14.
For support of older versions of facebook SDK 3.8 and below, go to v1.0 branch.

This is a library project which makes the life much easier by coding less code for being able to login, publish feeds and open graph stories, invite friends and more.

Since my feeling was that the usage of Facebook SDK was too complicated for simple actions like login, I decided to create simpler API for the same actions. I use this API in my applications and maintain the code.

We have new Stack overflow tag: android-simple-facebook


Library jar Branch Supported Facebook SDK
simple-facebook-2.1.jar master 3.14 >
simple-facebook-1.2.jar v1.0 3.0 - 3.8

Sample App

The sample app includes examples for all actions. Check out this very short wiki page of how to run and setup the sample app.



  • Based on Facebook SDK 3.14
  • Permission strings are predefined
  • No need to use LoginButton view for being able to login/logout. You can use any View.
  • No need to care for correct login with READ and PUBLISH permissions. Just mention the permissions you need and this library will care for the rest.

Setup Project

  1. Clone Facebook SDK 3.14 or download it. Then, import the project to your workspace.

  2. Clone and import this (Simple Facebook) project to your workspace.

  3. Add reference from Simple Facebook project to FacebookSDK project.


  4. Now, you can add reference from your app to Simple Facebook project.

  5. Add to your string.xml your app_id:

    <string name="app_id">625994234086470</string>
  6. Update the manifest.xml of your application and add next lines:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    	android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" />
        android:value="@string/app_id" />


Add next lines in your Application or Activity class.

  • Define and select permissions you need:

     Permission[] permissions = new Permission[] {
  • Build and define the configuration by putting app_id, namespace and permissions:

     SimpleFacebookConfiguration configuration = new SimpleFacebookConfiguration.Builder()
  • And, set this configuration:


    There is no need to set the configuration in any activity, it should be done just once.


1. onResume()

In each Activity where you want to use the library, just override the onResume() and set SimpleFacebook instance:

public void onResume() {
	mSimpleFacebook = SimpleFacebook.getInstance(this);

2. Run the action (login, publish, invite, get something …)

3. Override onActivityResult method and add this line:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
	mSimpleFacebook.onActivityResult(this, requestCode, resultCode, data); 
	super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);



Initialize callback listener:

OnLoginListener onLoginListener = new OnLoginListener() {
	public void onLogin() {
		// change the state of the button or do whatever you want
		Log.i(TAG, "Logged in");
	public void onNotAcceptingPermissions(Permission.Type type) {
		// user didn't accept READ or WRITE permission
		Log.w(TAG, String.format("You didn't accept %s permissions",;

	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)




Initialize callback listener:

// logout listener
OnLogoutListener onLogoutListener = new OnLogoutListener() {
	public void onLogout() {
		Log.i(TAG, "You are logged out");

	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)



Publish feed

Set OnPublishListener and call for:

  • publish(Feed, OnPublishListener) without dialog.
  • publish(Feed, true, OnPublishListener) with dialog.

Basic properties

  • message - The message of the user
  • name - The name of the link attachment
  • caption - The caption of the link (appears beneath the link name)
  • description - The description of the link (appears beneath the link caption)
  • picture - The URL of a picture attached to this post. The picture must be at least 200px by 200px
  • link - The link attached to this post

Initialize callback listener:

OnPublishListener onPublishListener = new OnPublishListener() {
	public void onComplete(String postId) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Published successfully. The new post id = " + postId);

	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Build feed:

Feed feed = new Feed.Builder()
	.setMessage("Clone it out...")
	.setName("Simple Facebook for Android")
	.setCaption("Code less, do the same.")
	.setDescription("The Simple Facebook library project makes the life much easier by coding less code for being able to login, publish feeds and open graph stories, invite friends and more.")

Publish feed without dialog:

mSimpleFacebook.publish(feed, onPublishListener);

Publish feed with dialog:

mSimpleFacebook.publish(feed, true, onPublishListener);

And, the result is:

Published feed

Less basic properties

  • properties - The key/value pairs which will appear in the stream attachment beneath the description
  • actions - One action link which will appear next to the 'Comment' and 'Like' link under posts

Build feed:

Feed feed = new Feed.Builder()
	.setMessage("Clone it out...")
	.setName("Simple Facebook SDK for Android")
	.setCaption("Code less, do the same.")
	.setDescription("Login, publish feeds and stories, invite friends and more...")
	.addAction("Clone", "")
	.addProperty("Full documentation", "", "")
	.addProperty("Stars", "14")

And, the result is:

Published feed

Publish story

It is possible to create and share open graph stories. Story consists of two main parts:

  • StoryObject - The object that you want to appear on the wall.
  • StoryAction - The action that relates to the object.

For example: Eat food is the definition for many possible food objects that can be eaten. Like:

  • Eat apple
  • Eat honey
  • Eat steak,
  • ...

So, what's now? Ok, these are the steps:

  1. Define new custom story in your app dashboard on facebook.
  2. Upload object meta tags that describe your noun (object) on your server or create one on facebook servers.
  3. Publish the story.

Example: Eat food

  1. Defined story:

    Published feed

    ± Create new object called: Food and add new custom property called calories of int type.
    ± Create new action called Eat and add new custom property called taste of string type.
    ± Edit the output of the story including the custom values.

    Published feed

    Published feed

  2. Upload object:

    Two options are possible:

    1. Use create(StoryObject, OnCreateStoryObject) - to create objects and upload them to facebook servers
    2. Upload story meta tags to your private servers.

    I used the option 2. Create these html page and upload to your server:

    <head prefix="og: fb: sromkuapp_vtwo:">
      <meta property="fb:app_id"               content="728615400528729" /> 
      <meta property="og:type"                 content="sromkuapp_vtwo:food" /> 
      <meta property="og:url"                  content="" /> 
      <meta property="og:title"                content="Apple" /> 
      <meta property="og:image"                content="" /> 
      <meta property="og:description"          content="The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree, Malus domestica of the rose family. It is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits." /> 
      <meta property="sromkuapp_vtwo:calories" content="52" /> 

    I uploaded it to:

  3. Publish the story:

    Initialize callback listener:

    OnPublishListener onPublishListener = new OnPublishListener() {
    	public void onComplete(String id) {
    		Log.i(TAG, "Published successfully. id = " + id);
    	 * You can override other methods here: 
    	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

    Build story for publishing:

    // set object to be shared
    StoryObject storyObject = new StoryObject.Builder()
    // set action to be done 
    StoryAction storyAction = new StoryAction.Builder()
    	.addProperty("taste", "sweet")
    // build story
    Story story = new Story.Builder()
    // publish
    mSimpleFacebook.publish(story, onPublishListener);

    The result:

    Published feed

    More examples and info will be added in wiki.

Publish photo

You can publish (upload) photo to default album or to any other album you have.
Photo can be created from:

  • Bitmap
  • File
  • byte[]

Initialize callback listener:

OnPublishListener onPublishListener = new OnPublishListener() {
	public void onComplete(String id) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Published successfully. id = " + id);

	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Build photo for publishing:

// This is the image you want to upload
Bitmap bitmap = ...

// create Photo instance and add some properties
Photo photo = new Photo.Builder()
	.setName("Screenshot from #android_simple_facebook sample application")

Publish photo to application (default) album:

mSimpleFacebook.publish(photo, onPublishListener);

Publish photo to specific album:

String albumId = ...;

// publish photo to album
mSimpleFacebook.publish(photo, albumId, onPublishListener);

Publish video

You can publish (upload) a video only to the default "Videos" album.
Video can be created from:

  • File
  • byte[]

Initialize callback listener:

OnPublishListener onPublishListener = new OnPublishListener() {
	public void onComplete(String id) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Published successfully. id = " + id);

	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Build video for publishing:

File videoFile = ...

// create a Video instance and add some properties
Video video = new Video.Builder()
	.setDescription("Video from #android_simple_facebook sample application")
	.setName("Cool video")

Publish video to "Videos" album

mSimpleFacebook.publish(video, onPublishListener);

Publish score

Initialize callback listener:

OnPublishListener onPublishListener = new OnPublishListener() {
	public void onComplete(String postId) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Published successfully");

	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Build score:

Score score = new Score.Builder()

Publish score:

mSimpleFacebook.publish(score, onPublishListener);


Facebook supports three kind of dialogs for invite friends. One dialog shows all your friends and user can select who he/she wants to invite. In other dialog you set suggested friends only and the last one, you set concrete one friend.

For all options, set OnInviteListener:

OnInviteListener onInviteListener = new OnInviteListener() {
	public void onComplete(List<String> invitedFriends, String requestId) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Invitation was sent to " + invitedFriends.size() + " users with request id " + requestId); 
	public void onCancel() {
		Log.i(TAG, "Canceled the dialog");

	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)


Show dialog with a list of all your friends. Call for invite(Activity, String, OnInviteListener) The String is the message to be shown in the invitation.

mSimpleFacebook.invite("I invite you to use this app", onInviteListener);

Suggested friends

Show dialog with a list of suggested friends. Set array of user ids.

String[] friends = new String[] {
mSimpleFacebook.invite(friends, "I invite you to use this app", onInviteListener);

One friend only

Show dialog with only one friend to invite.

String friend = "630243197";
mSimpleFacebook.invite(friend, "I invite you to use this app", onInviteListener);

Delete request/invite:

Initialize callback listener:

OnDeleteListener onDeleteListener = new OnDeleteListener() {
	public void onComplete(Void response) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Deleted successfully");

	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Delete request:

String requestId = ...;
mSimpleFacebook.deleteRequest(requestId, onDeleteListener);

Get accounts

Get pages of which the current user is an admin.

Initialize callback listener:

OnAccountsListener onAccountsListener = new OnAccountsListener() {			
	public void onComplete(List<Account> accounts) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Number of accounts = " + accounts.size());

	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Get my accounts:


Get albums

Initialize callback listener:

OnAlbumsListener onAlbumsListener = new OnAlbumsListener() {			
	public void onComplete(List<Album> albums) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Number of albums = " + albums.size());
	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Get my albums:


Get album of next entities by passing entity id:

  • Profile
  • Page
String entityId = ...;
mSimpleFacebook.getAlbums(entityId, onAlbumsListener);

Get app requests

[The code exists, just need TO DOC]

Get books

[The code exists, just need TO DOC]

Get checkins

Initialize callback listener:

OnCheckinsListener onCheckinsListener = new OnCheckinsListener() {			
	public void onComplete(List<Checkin> checkins) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Number of checkins = " + checkins.size());
	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Get my checkins:


Get checkins of next entities by passing entity id:

  • Profile
  • Page
String entityId = ...;
mSimpleFacebook.getCheckins(entityId, onCheckinsListener);

Get comments

Initialize callback listener:

OnCommentsListener onCommentsListener = new OnCommentsListener() {			
	public void onComplete(List<Comment> comments) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Number of comments = " + comments.size());
	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Get comments of next entities by passing entity id:

  • Album
  • Checkin
  • Comment
  • Photo
  • Post
  • Video
String entityId = ...;
mSimpleFacebook.getComments(entityId, onCommentsListener);

Get events

Initialize callback listener:

OnEventsListener onEventsListener = new OnEventsListener() {			
	public void onComplete(List<Event> events) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Number of events = " + events.size());
	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Get my events that I replied as 'attending':

mSimpleFacebook.getEvents(EventDecision.ATTENDING, onEventsListener);

Get attending events of next entities by passing entity id:

  • Profile
  • Page
  • Group
String entityId = ...;
mSimpleFacebook.getEvents(entityId, EventDecision.ATTENDING, onEventsListener);

Get family

[The code exists, just need TO DOC]

Get friends

Initialize callback listener:

OnFriendsListener onFriendsListener = new OnFriendsListener() {			
	public void onComplete(List<Profile> friends) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Number of friends = " + friends.size());

	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Get my friends:


Get games

[The code exists, just need TO DOC]

Get groups

Initialize callback listener:

OnGroupsListener onGroupsListener = new OnGroupsListener() {			
	public void onComplete(List<Group> groups) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Number of groups = " + groups.size());
	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Get my groups:


Get groups of next entities by passing entity id:

  • Profile
String entityId = ...;
mSimpleFacebook.getGroups(entityId, onGroupsListener);

Get likes

Initialize callback listener:

OnLikesListener onLikesListener = new OnLikesListener() {			
	public void onComplete(List<Like> likes) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Number of likes = " + likes.size());
	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Get likes of next entities by passing entity id:

  • Album
  • Checkin
  • Comment
  • Photo
  • Post
  • Video
String entityId = ...;
mSimpleFacebook.getLikes(entityId, onLikesListener);

Get movies

[The code exists, just need TO DOC]

Get music

[The code exists, just need TO DOC]

Get notifications

[The code exists, just need TO DOC]

Get page

Two options are possible to get page data.


Initialize callback listener:

OnPageListener onPageListener = new OnPageListener() {			
	public void onComplete(Page page) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Page id = " + page.getId());

	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Get the page:

String pageId = ... ;
mSimpleFacebook.getPage(pageId, onPageListener);

Be specific and get what you need

By using this option, you define the properties you need, and you will get only them. Here, any property is possible to get.

Prepare the properties that you need:

Page.Properties properties = new Page.Properties.Builder()

Get the page:

String pageId = ...	;
mSimpleFacebook.getPage(pageId, properties, onPageListener);

Get photos

Initialize callback listener:

OnPhotosListener onPhotosListener = new OnPhotosListener() {			
	public void onComplete(List<Photo> photos) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Number of photos = " + photos.size());
	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Get my photos:


Get photos of next entities by passing entity id:

  • Profile
  • Album
  • Event
  • Page
String entityId = ...;
mSimpleFacebook.getPhotos(entityId, onPhotosListener);

Get posts

Initialize callback listener:

OnPostsListener onPostsListener = new OnPostsListener() {			
	public void onComplete(List<Post> posts) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Number of posts = " + posts.size());
	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Get all posts and feeds that are shown on my wall:


Get all posts and feeds that are shown specific entity wall:

  • Profile
  • Event
  • Group
  • Page
String entityId = ...;
mSimpleFacebook.getPosts(entityId, onPostsListener);

You can filter and get only links, statuses, posts or tagged by using:

String entityId = ...;
mSimpleFacebook.getPosts(entityId, PostType.STATUSES, onPostsListener);

Get my profile

Facebook doesn't reveal all user fields by default. For example, if you need picture, then you need to specify it in your graph api request. I can understand this, since getting all possible user fields will be time consuming task and this is not what we want.
Thus, two options are possible to get profile data.


By using this way, you can get many properties like: id, name, education and more. Just ensure to have needed permissions. Read the javadoc to know what is needed. But, here you won't be able to get several properties like: cover, picture and other.

Initialize callback listener:

OnProfileListener onProfileListener = new OnProfileListener() {			
	public void onComplete(Profile profile) {
		Log.i(TAG, "My profile id = " + profile.getId());

	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Get the profile:


Be specific and get what you need

By using this option, you define the properties you need, and you will get only them. Here, any property is possible to get.

Prepare the properties that you need:

Profile.Properties properties = new Profile.Properties.Builder()

Get the profile:

mSimpleFacebook.getProfile(properties, onProfileListener);

Be even more specific - Picture Attributes

You can describe the picture you really need like: small, normal, large, square and set width and height.

Prepare specific picture that you need:

PictureAttributes pictureAttributes = Attributes.createPictureAttributes();

Prepare the properties that you need:

Profile.Properties properties = new Profile.Properties.Builder()
	.add(Properties.PICTURE, pictureAttributes)

Get the profile:

mSimpleFacebook.getProfile(properties, onProfileListener);

Get scores

Initialize callback listener:

OnScoresListener onScoresListener = new OnScoresListener() {			
	public void onComplete(List<Score> scores) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Number of scores = " + scores.size());
	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Get my scores:


Get television

[The code exists, just need TO DOC]

Get videos

Initialize callback listener:

OnVideosListener onVideosListener = new OnVideosListener() {			
	public void onComplete(List<Video> videos) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Number of videos = " + videos.size());
	 * You can override other methods here: 
	 * onThinking(), onFail(String reason), onException(Throwable throwable)

Get my videos:


Get videos of next entities by passing entity id:

  • Profile
  • Event
  • Page
String entityId = ...;
mSimpleFacebook.getVideos(entityId, onVideosListener);

Additional options


When you ask for photos, albums and other list of entities, you will get the first page of results. Usualy it is 25 first results. For getting next or previous pages you can use methods below or get Cursor and start iterating.

Each OnActionListener has next methods:

  • hasNext() - return true if one more page exists
  • hasPrev() - return true if previous page exists
  • getNext() - execute request for getting next page and the results return to the same listener
  • getPrev() - execute request for getting previous page and the results return to the same listener
  • getCursor() - return Cursor which has the same methods above


Let's say we are asking for comments by: getCommets(entityId, onCommentsListener).
We want to check if there is more pages with comments. If so, we will ask for more.

And this is our listener:

OnCommentsListener onCommentsListener = new OnCommentsListener() {			
	public void onComplete(List<Comment> comments) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Number of comments = " + comments.size());
		if (hasNext()) {

Of course, it is just an example. In your app, you will maybe add a button that will say 'get more...' and then you will actually call for getNext() but it is up to you how to handle it. You can getCursor() and iterate to the next pages from other place in you app. Again, it's up to you :)

General 'GET'

You can get anything from facebook by using this generic function. By using this method, you should be familiar with Graph API.

String entityId = ... ;
String edge = ... ;
OnActionListener<T> onActionListener = ... ;
mSimpleFacebook.get(entityId, edge, onActionListener);


If you want to get music that you like, then the graph path should be me/music and the expeted result is of type Page as explained in this document.

Get my music:

mSimpleFacebook.get("me", "music", null, new OnActionListener<List<Page>>() {
	public void onComplete(List<Page> response) {
		Log.i(TAG, "Number of music pages I like = " + response.size());


Note: This method is expensive since it uses reflection. It also supports only List and entities that have create(GraphObject) method.

Set privacy settings of a single post

You can set the privacy settings of a single post (set who can / can't see the post).
Currently supported in:

  • Feed
  • Photo
  • Video

You have 2 options to define privacy.

  • Use basic settings
  • Use custom setting

Basic settings

Use one of the following predefined privacy settings:

  • SELF

Build Privacy instance:

Privacy privacy = new Privacy.Builder()

Set to Photo, Video or Feed and publish:

Photo photo = new Photo.Builder()

// Publish photo
mSimpleFacebook.publish(photo, onPublishListener);

Custom settings

Use CUSTOM and select the users, friendlists to be in allowed or/and denied lists.

Build Privacy instance:

Privacy privacy = new Privacy.Builder()

You can combine and define users, friendlist to be in allowed and denied lists without limits. Just don't forget to set CUSTOM. See javadocs for additional details.

Configuration options

The configuration, you need to define once in your app. The best place for that will be in your extension to Application class.
Configuration properties:

Property Description Must/Optional Default Value
app id Application id Must
namespace Application namespace Must
permissions Set of permissions you want to use on login Must
default audience Decide who will see your published posts Optional FRIENDS
login behaviour Descide what to use: SSO or not Optional SSO_WITH_FALLBACK
all at once Ask from user all permissions at once Optional false


One of the main ideas of this library is to make life easier by simplifing usage of permissions. You can find that all permissions are predefined and you don't need to care for the order and code flow of READ and PUBLISH permissions.

Request new permissions

You can request new permissions in runtime. The popup with new set of permissions will be shown to user.

Initialize callback listener:

OnNewPermissionsListener onNewPermissionsListener = new OnNewPermissionsListener() {

	public void onSuccess(String accessToken) {
		// updated access token 

	public void onNotAcceptingPermissions(Permission.Type type) {
		// user didn't accept READ or WRITE permission
		Log.w(TAG, String.format("You didn't accept %s permissions",;

Set array of new permissions you want:

Permission[] permissions = new Permission[] { 

Ask for new permissions:

boolean showPublish = true;
mSimpleFacebook.requestNewPermissions(permissions, showPublish, onNewPermissionsListener);

showPublish flag - This flag is relevant only in cases when new permissions include PUBLISH permission. Then you can decide if you want the dialog of requesting publish permission to appear right away or later, at first time of real publish action.

Granted persmissions

Get all permissions that user already granted:

List<String> permissions = mSimpleFacebook.getGrantedPermissions();

Check if all permissions from configuration are granted:

boolean isAllGranted = mSimpleFacebook.isAllPermissionsGranted();

Open Graph

This feature was in experimental state and now it's in final development.
The methods up to now:

  • create(StoryObject, OnCreateStoryObject) - Create custom open graph object on facebook servers.
  • getStoryObjects(String, OnStoryObjectsListener) - Get custom graph objects that are stored on facebook servers.
  • publish(Story, OnPublishListener) - Publish story see Publish story section.


  • isLogin() – Check if you are logged in
  • getSession() - Get active session
  • clean() - Clean all references like Activity to prevent memory leaks
  • eventAppLaunched() - Install report to facebook. Useful for statistics


Print logs to logcat: Set Logger.DEBUG to true

Print logs with full stacktrace to logcat: Set Logger.DEBUG_WITH_STACKTRACE to true

Applications using the library

| Pregnancy Tickers - Widget | Pregnancy Calculator | Ring Drop : Fun Ring Toss Game | Fun Call | 8tracks Radio | Violet Glasses | Dough Pro - Artisan Baking | Mental Arithmetic | Pemex Checker | Ayuda Alguien | Buga's Dream | and more...

If you use this library in your project and you found it helpful, it will be really great to share it here :)


Just in case :)
Support via Gittip


Copyright 2013-present Roman Kushnarenko

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


Simple Facebook SDK for Android







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