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fpm enabled GPF repositories

urbanjost edited this page Jul 12, 2020 · 3 revisions


July 12, 2020

Like others, I am trying out early releases of fpm ( Fortran Package Manager ). For the purpose of testing dependencies, and since there is not yet a central registry at here is a list of my public repositories that are fpm-enabled:

 M_cli         = { git = ""  }
 M_calculator  = { git = "" }
 M_change      = { git = "" }
 M_color       = { git = "" }
 M_history     = { git = "" }
 M_io          = { git = "" }
 M_msg         = { git = "" }
 M_time        = { git = "" }
 M_process     = { git = "" }
 M_strings     = { git = "" }

Which are also all available as github repositories with a Makefile build as well:

 git clone$NAME.git

It makes it a lot easier to test a package manager if you know where a few packages are!


  • M_time(1) - Fortran module for manipulating and presenting time and date values

  • M_strings(1) - Fortran string module

  • M_process(1) - Fortran Module for calling process-related C functions from Fortran

  • M_CLI(1) - command line argument parsing using a prototype command

  • M_color - a Fortran module that lets you convert between common color models

  • M_history(1) - Fortran-based Input History Editor

  • M_calculator - module of routines for parsing expressions and returning values

  • M_msg - converts any standard scalar type to a string

  • M_io(1) - basic file operations

(1) - A package


Please provide feedback on the github sites in the wiki or issues sections ( ie. M_CLI wiki for example) or