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ifc-syntax-express-parser 0.2.4

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @alanrynne/ifc-syntax-express-parser@0.2.4
Install via package.json:
"@alanrynne/ifc-syntax-express-parser": "0.2.4"

About this version

IFC Syntax — Express Parser

Parser for EXPRESS files, originally coded to provide type information to the IFC Syntax VSCode extension, also developed by myself.

It uses Nearley.js parser, and a reverse-engineered grammar, since the EXPRESS language has no documentation that I could find.

WARNING: This instructions will be valid once the package is published to npm.


npm install ifc-syntax-express-parser


Using it is fairly easy, just create a new ExpressParser class instance, and call the parse() function with the path of the file as input.

import { ExpressParser } from "ifc-syntax-express-parser"

const filePath = "./path/to/your/file.exp"
const expressParser = new ExpressParser()
expressParser.parse(filePath).then((schema: IIfcSchema) => {
  // Do whatever you need with the schema entities.


Contributions are always welcome! Feel free to open Issues or PRs.



  • ifc-syntax-express-parser-0.2.4.tgz

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