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Core Explore Keyword App

Exploration by keywords for the curator core project.


1. Add "core_explore_keyword_app" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting



Customize Explore by Keyword search page, by providing additional resources from other applications.

1. Update your custom application to list all the resources that need to be loaded:

Import AbstractKeywordSearchExtras from core_explore_keyword_app, and implement get_extra_html, get_extra_js, get_extra_css to provide a list of additional resources.


# Import AbstractKeywordSearchExtras
from core_explore_keyword_app.utils.abstract_keyword_search_extras import (

# Add a new class that extends AbstractKeywordSearchExtras, and list resources to load
class CustomKeywordSearchExtras(AbstractKeywordSearchExtras):
    def get_extra_html():
        return ["my_custom_app/my_custom_template.html"]

    def get_extra_js():
        return [
                "path": "my_custom_app/js/my_custom_script.js",
                "is_raw": False,
                "path": "my_custom_app/js/my_custom_script.raw.js",
                "is_raw": True,

    def get_extra_css():
        return ["my_custom_app/css/my_custom_stylesheet.css"]

2. Update the project settings to load the resources from your custom application:

# Import the CustomKeywordSearchExtras from your package (path and class name may be different)
from my_custom_app.utils.custom_keyword_search_extras import CustomKeywordSearchExtras
# Add the class to the EXPLORE_KEYWORD_APP_EXTRAS setting.
EXPLORE_KEYWORD_APP_EXTRAS = [CustomKeywordSearchExtras]