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File metadata and controls

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Docker Control Center

Docker Control Center is a lightweight Django web application allowing the user to control docker-compose projects as well as regular standalone docker containers.

It has built-in permissions to control who can view and execute different commands like start/stop/remove on projects or services.

Quick Start

Pull the image:

docker pull nanofab/control_center

Create a configuration folder where static files, settings, db and logs will be created.
For example /opt/control_center_config, or C:\control_center_config and use the path in the commands below.

If you have a docker-compose file, simply run:

docker run --detach --publish 8000:8000 --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --volume <path to your docker-compose.yml parent folder>:/control-center/compose/:ro --volume <path to your control center configuration folder>/:/control-center/config/ nanofab/control_center

If you don't have a docker-compose file, run:

docker run --detach --publish 8000:8000 --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --volume <path to your control center configuration folder>/:/control-center/config/ nanofab/control_center

Then run (to create the first admin user):

docker run --interactive --tty --volume <path to control center configuration folder>/:/control-center/config/ nanofab/control_center django-admin createsuperuser

access the application at http://localhost:8000/ and log in using the previously created credentials


Docker compose control center can be customized by adding parameters to the file inside your control-center configuration directory.

Windows Host

If your host is a windows machine, add:


Allowed Host

If you are using anything else than localhost to access the application, add:

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["<ip>", "<hostname>", ...]

Private Registry

If you are using a private docker registry, add:

    "available": True,
    "username": "user",
    "password": "pass",
    "url": "",

Compose Project

If you are using a custom project name (different from the default parent directory name), add:

COMPOSE_PROJECT = "<your-project-name>"

Compatibility Mode

If you want to use docker-compose in compatibility mode, add:


From docker-compose documentation:

--compatibility     If set, Compose will attempt to convert deploy
                    keys in v3 files to their non-Swarm equivalent

Auto Refresh

Pages can be set to auto refresh (if you are showing container statuses on an always-on display).
Simply add the number of seconds between refresh:


Site Title

Some titles can be customized by adding:

SITE_TITLE = "My Title"
LOGIN_TITLE = "My Login Page Title"

Custom Service URL & Logos

When using a docker-compose file, you can customize each service's logo and URL by providing a docker-compose.ini config file next to your docker-compose.yml.
Here is an example of what it would look like (paths are relative to the config file location):

logo = media/nginx.png

logo = media/control-center.png
url =

Database connection

If you want to change the default SQLite Database, refer to the documentation on django's website.


Username & password

The default authentication is done using username/password but its use is discouraged in production environments


You can authenticate via LDAP by setting the following:

AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ["control_center.libs.authentication.backends.LDAPAuthenticationBackend"]

    "url": "your.ldap.url",
    "domain": "YOUR_DOMAIN", 
    "certificate": "<path to optional certificate>"

HTTP header

This is not recommended for production environment unless behind a proxy like Nginx which would set the specific header

# The key part here is "control_center.libs.authentication.middleware.HTTPHeaderAuthenticationMiddleware"

AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ["control_center.libs.authentication.backends.RemoteUserAuthenticationBackend"]

# optional, defaults to Authorization


Another option is to use Nginx with kerberos module to authenticate and then set the following:

# The key part here is "control_center.libs.authentication.middleware.HTTPHeaderAuthenticationMiddleware"

AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ['control_center.libs.authentication.backends.NginxKerberosAuthorizationHeaderAuthenticationBackend']

Advanced Configuration

You can find all the application settings and their default values here: Default Settings

Any of those can be overridden in your file