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@thisisdano thisisdano released this 22 Sep 15:46

What’s new in USWDS 2.9.0

New components

We have three new components in this release. Learn more about each of them on our website:

  • Identifier: The identifier communicates a site's parent agency and displays agency links required by federal laws and policies.
  • Step indicator: A step indicator updates users on their progress through a multi-step process.
  • Time picker: A time picker helps users select a specific time.

Improvements and bug fixes

Added flex-align-self utilities. Now you can apply the align-self property to an element using flex-align-self utilities. The align-self rule is conceptually similar to flex-align, except align-self applies at the flex child level instead of the flex parent level. Thanks @taylorsolomon! (#3588)

  • flex-align-self-start: align element at the start of the parent's cross axis
  • flex-align-self-middle: align element in the middle of the parent's cross axis
  • flex-align-self-end: align element at the end of the parent's cross axis
  • flex-align-self-stretch: stretch across the full extent of the parent's cross axis

Added an accent-warm button variant. Now you can use accent-warm buttons with usa-button--accent-warm. (#3623)

Generating SHA-256 hashes for our ZIP releases. We're now generating a SHA-256 hash with the ZIP download and documenting this hash in our repo and on our website. Anyone can now check the integrity of a release ZIP file by generating a hash for their local file and comparing it to the hash we post in the github repo and on our site. (#3577)

Proper disabled radio buttons. We fixed the display of disabled radio buttons so both the label and radio button both appear disabled. Thanks @brayfe! (#3613)

Proper secondary button active state. We fixed the active state of the secondary color button. Thanks @maya! (#3615)

Improved styling of lists inside alerts. We improved the styling of simple and complex lists inside alerts. (#3507)

More consistent styling of legend element. We improved the styling of the usa-legend element to better match other labels in a form, and improved the spacing between legends and both radio buttons and checkboxes. We added a usa-label--large variant to mimic the older, less consistent styling for backward compatibility. (#3465)

Dependencies and security

package old new
@babel/preset-env 7.11.0 7.11.5
@types/node 14.0.27 14.11.1
axe-core 4.0.1 4.0.2
eslint 7.6.0 7.9.0
mocha 8.1.1 8.1.3
prettier 2.1.1 2.1.2
sass 1.26.10 1.26.11
stylelint 13.6.1 13.7.1
typescript 3.9.7 4.0.3
yargs 15.4.1 16.0.3

0 vulnerabilities in regular dependencies (dependencies for USWDS projects installed with npm install uswds)
3 low, 2 high vulnerabilities in devDependencies (development dependencies)

Release ZIP SHA-256 hash: 4b3928e5a292ee4a2ac0b1a5106c179c4cfadd9355e56f5fb6b8e6e1954cfdb2