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uupaa edited this page Feb 3, 2016 · 4 revisions


  • iOS 9
    • 185003 WebSQL default functions can bypass authorizer.
    • 184002 [iOS] WebSQL operations are not performed after device is locked
    • 178188 Start removing Web Database support from workers
  • iOS 8
    • 170303 [Cocoa] No way to grant storage quotas for WebSQL
    • 169587 [SQLite] WebKit should adopt journal_mode=wal for all SQLite databases.
  • iOS 7
    • 151248 forces 16-bit strings
    • 144760 Improve robustness of WebSQL quota management.
    • 144006 Need a more robust WebSQL disk usage computation.


  • iOS 10
    • 192850 Modern IDB: ObjectStore cursors should not be able to iterate out of their range.
    • 192847 Modern IDB: "prevunique" cursors should point at the lowest primary key that matches, not the highest.
    • 192833 Modern IDB: Set the correct source on the IDBRequest for cursor updates
    • 192825 Modern IDB: Correct handling of cursors finishing iteration.
    • 192813 Modern IDB: After versionchange transactions abort, fire onerror on the original IDBOpenDBRequest.
    • 192806 Modern IDB: Support updating cursor values when the object store uses inline keys.
    • 192798 Modern IDB: Support keyPath injection into object store records.
    • 192783 Modern IDB: Class-ify IDBGetResult making it impossible to get the data members wrong.
    • 192720 Modern IDB: After versionchange transactions complete, fire onsuccess on the original IDBOpenDBRequest
    • 192698 Modern IDB: In the VersionChangeEvent for delete database calls, oldVersion should be null instead of 0.
    • 192687 Modern IDB: IDBFactory.deleteDatabase() support.
    • 192686 Modern IDB: Get IDBRequest.readyState right.
    • 192645 Modern IDB: IDBObjectStore.deleteIndex() support.
    • 192618 Modern IDB: Populate indexes created in object stores that already have records.
    • 192518 Modern IDB: Support IDBObjectStore.indexNames.
    • 192396 Modern IDB: Pipe through cursor functions from client to server.
    • 192294 Modern IDB: Make indexes actually index.
    • 192123 Modern IDB: Make the result data for a "get" request be an IDBGetResult.
    • 192068 Modern IDB: Implement IDBIndex get/getKey/count requests.
    • 192014 Modern IDB: Fill out IDBIndex, create MemoryIndex in backing store.
    • 191980 Modern IDB: Land empty IDBCursor/Index IDL implementations.
    • 191928 Modern IDB: IBDObjectStore.delete() support.
    • 191877 Modern IDB: IBDObjectStore.count() support.
    • 191850 Legacy IDB: Date objects don't work as keys or values.
    • 191832 Modern IDB: Support IDBObjectStore.get() for IDBKeyRanges.
    • 191826 Modern IDB: IDBObjectStore.clear() support.
    • 191795 Modern IDB: IDBObjectStore.add() support.
    • 191776 Modern IDB: autoIncrement support.
    • 191758 Modern IDB: deleteObjectStore support.
    • 191722 Modern IDB: Support IDBDatabase.transaction() (and transaction scheduling in general).
    • 191672 Modern IDB: Implement most readonly attributes of IDBObjectStore.
    • 191645 Modern IDB: IDBTransaction.objectStore() support.
    • 191635 Modern IDB: Support IDBObjectStore.put/get support.
    • 191598 Modern IDB: Backing store objectStores (plumbing for b/150468).
    • 191465 Modern IDB: Basic createObjectStore implementation.
    • 191400 Modern IDB: Add basic transaction aborting.
    • 191198 Modern IDB: Handle versionchange events.
    • 191182 Modern IDB: Support IDBDatabase.close().
    • 191156 Modern IDB: Support IDBDatabase.close().
    • 191114 Modern IDB: Add basic transaction committing.
    • 190884 Modern IDB: Start version change transaction for connections to new database.
    • 190379 Add UniqueIDBDatabase object, IDBBackingStore objects, and a database operation thread.
    • 190291 Add an IDB Server that can roundtrip a request back to the client.
    • 189879 Have window.indexedDB.deleteDatabase return an IDBOpenDBRequest.
    • 189831 Add empty IDBFactory implementation for Modern IDB.
    • 189746 Legacy IDB: Modern IDB: Rename current concrete IDB implementation to "Legacy".
  • iOS 9
    • 185604 array index keys are concatenated across cursor lifetime
    • 185599 Records table migration doesn't work with all versions of SQLite.
    • 185480 IndexedDB onupgradeneeded event has incorrect value for oldVersion.
    • 180771 Make IDBDatabase / IDBRequest suspendable
    • 180280 Crashes under IDBDatabase::closeConnection.
    • 175378 IndexedDB is deleting data when a PK is shared amongst two objectStores
    • 173324 IDB version changed events should have a valid eventType().
    • 172603 IndexedDB should respect SchemeRegistry's database access setting.
    • 172193 IDB transactions never reset if the Web Process ends before cleaning up

Disk Quota


  • iOS 9
    • 176794 Add a way to delete local storage origins modified after a given date
  • iOS 8
    • 171661 [WK2] Crash when accessing window.localStorage after calling window.close()
    • 170471 Don't allow sudden termination while writing to local storage.
    • 163212 Expose creation and modification times for LocalStorage
  • iOS 7
    • 150543 Fix crash when closing a page that's trying to access session storage
    • 149680 Each local storage database should know its origin
    • 148716 Dispatch local storage events
    • 148695 Differentiate between creating local storage maps and session storage maps

Application Cache

  • iOS 10
    • 195729 Expose ApplicationCache on the global Window object
  • iOS 9
    • 173419 Application Cache Storage: failed to execute statement "DELETE FROM CacheGroups" error "no such table: CacheGroups".
  • iOS 8
    • 169208 [iOS][WK2] Application cache is broken
    • 166847 REGRESSION (NetworkProcess): Subresources fail to load from AppCache
    • 166844 REGRESSION (r163914): Application cache cannot be used in main frame
    • 162789 Remove more unnecessary #if PLATFORM(IOS)s in ApplicationCacheStorage.cpp
    • 161665 Possible crash in ApplicationCache::removeResource.
    • 158450 Expose setApplicationCacheOriginQuota via window.internals
  • iOS 7
    • 151099 Webkit crashes while loading content from Application Cache.
    • 149733 Crash when loading link to audio file. Do not access a null pointer frame.