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open-ephys edited this page Feb 20, 2012 · 6 revisions

If it's not clear already, the GUI was built on Linux machines, and its creators intend to use it on Linux machines. If it's all possible, we recommend doing your development with Linux.

However, because all of the libraries are cross-platform, we're not too concerned that it won't run anywhere eventually. To this end, the software has been periodically tested on a Mac to make sure things are working. So far, we haven't hit any major snags with making the software sufficiently general. Almost all of the platform-specific code is handled by the Juce library, so we need very few conditional preprocessor definitions in the code.

To get the software running on Ubuntu 10.10, the following is necessary:

  1. Install the Juce dependencies (freeglut3-dev, libfreetype6-dev, libxinerama-dev, libxcursor-dev, libasound2-dev), as well as libFTDI and FTGL.
  2. cd to the /Builds/Linux folder and type make at the bash cursor

There may be other dependencies on other distros. Please let us know if you discover any.

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