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lektor-chameleon is a plugin for the Lektor static site generator that makes is possible to write the templates using Chameleon.

To use the plugin, add it to your project:

lektor plugin add lektor-chameleon

Templates must have the .pt file extension.

Usage examples:

<html lang="${this.alt}">

<h1 tal:content="this.title">Page title</h1>

<span tal:replace="bag('translate', this.alt, 'message')">message</span>

All custom Lektor filters are available as functions:

For convenience, the following Jinja filters have also been made available as functions:

Usage examples:

<a href="${url('/')}">Home page</a>

<a href="${url('/', alt=this.alt)">link text</a>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="${asseturl('/static/custom.css')}"/>

<div tal:content="striptags(this.body)">Shortened body text</div>

<div tal:replace="indent(this.body.html, 2)">Page body</div>

  ${ structure:wordwrap(this.body.html, width=72) }