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Smooth-Validator for Javascript

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Getting Started


npm install smooth-validator


Smooth-Validator provides you various types of validation for object.

Code Example for Sign Up validation

Pass rules to be applied on data to the parser and parser will return validator which will validate data for you.

const parser = require("smooth-validator");

//Sample signup validation
var rules = {
  email : 'required|email|min:5|max:100',
  password: 'required|min:6|max:30',
  confirm_password: 'required|same:password'
var validator = parser(rules) //parser returns validator, which can be used on data object

var data = {
  email: '',
  password: 'strong',
  confirm_password: 'strong'
//OUTPUT: { message: 'validation passed', errors: [] }

Code Example for Custom Message

Smooth-Validator also supports custom message in error.

const parser = require("smooth-validator");

rules = {
  '*emailTo': ["email"],
  created_at: 'after:tomorrow'

var validate = parser(rules, {
  message: {
    'emailTo[].email': ':variable failed :type for :value at index :zero',
    'created_at.after' : ':variable is not after :first_value'

data = {
  emailTo: [""],
  created_at: new Date()
var res = validate(data);
/* Output: 
  message: 'emailTo failed email for at index 0',
  errors: [
      key: 'emailTo[]',
      message: 'emailTo failed email for at index 0'
    { key: 'created_at', message: 'created_at is not after tomorrow' }
} */

Documentation 📚

Please go through documentation from more details and examples


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Core Team