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Heuristic structure optimization of nested dichotomies

This project contains a python implementation for heuristic generation of nested dichotomies. Several popular algorithms from the literature are included. An efficient algorithm for uniform random sampling of nested dichotomies is also provided.

Getting started


To use this package simple copy it to your project and import:

import nd

Usage example

A random nested dichotomy for a problem with 10 classes can be sampled (uniformly at random) as follows:

c = 10  # number of classes
lbs = list(range(c))  # corresponding class labels. This should be an integer list with c elements. 
nd2d = nd.RandomGeneration.generate(c, labels=lbs, seed=42)

The 'nd2d' will contain the sampled nested dichotomy encoded as a list of integers (tree nodes in preorder). For encoding details see [1]. First, this list has to be parsed into a proper classifier model:

nd = nd.NestedDichotomy.parse(nd2d)

Now the generated nested dichotomy can be used as usuall multi-class classifier with any probabilistic base learner. Assuming the training data is given as (X, y):

from sklearn import tree

# decision stumps as the base learner
base_learner = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier
kwargs = {'max_depth':1}  

#train the model
nd.NestedDichotomy.train(nd, X, y, base_learner, **kwargs)  

#predict using the trained model
y_pred = nd.NestedDichotomy.predict_proba(nd, X_test, c)


All the provided algorithms have the same interface. To generate a nested dichotomy using particular algorithm the corresponding 'generate(...)' method should be called. After that the generated nested dichotomy can be used as described in the previous section.

Heuristic based on agglomerative clustering (ACND)

A novel structure optimization heuristic based on agglomerative clustering [1].

Best-of-K heuristic with biased sampling

Biased version of the Best-of-K heuristic [1].

Class-balanced nested dichotomies (CBND)

The CBND heuristic proposed by Dong et al. [4] is a top-down approach, mainly aiming at creating NDs with a balanced tree structure.

Nested dichotomies based on clustering (NDC)

The structure optimization method suggested by Duarte-Villasenor et al. [3] is a clustering-based heuristic.

Random-pair selection (RPND)

The random-pair selection heuristic recently proposed by Leathart et al. [2].


[1] Melnikov, V. & Hüllermeier, E. "On the Effectiveness of Heuristics for Learning Nested Dichotomies: An Empirical Analysis", Mach Learn (2018).

[2] Leathart, T., Pfahringer, B., Frank, E.: "Building ensembles of adaptive nested dichotomies with random-pair selection". In: Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference, ECML PKDD, 2016

[3] Duarte-Villasenor, M.M., Carrasco-Ochoa, J.A., Martinez-Trinidad, J.F., Flores-Garrido, M.: "Nested dichotomies based on clustering". In: Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications: 17th Iberoamerican Congress, CIARP, 2012

[4] Dong, L., Frank, E., Kramer, S.: "Ensembles of balanced nested dichotomies for multi-class problems". In: Knowledge discovery in databases, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005