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This Golang program aims to help pentesters during an internal penetration test. It scans the web interfaces passed in parameter detecting the authentication form and then tries to find a valid pair of credentials.


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This Golang program aims to help pentesters during an internal penetration test. It scans the web interfaces passed in parameter detecting the authentication form and then tries to find a valid pair of credentials.

How does it work ?

Several modules have been implemented and the workflow of the program looks like this :

  • Load the configuration files (pass/login dic, general conf...)
  • Parse the ip addresses passed in parameter
  • Scan the web interface and extract the web login form information
  • Detect the type of web interface it is dealing with (wordpress, joomla, ...) through different patterns (feedbacks, favicons...)
  • Search for default credentials in the database if the web interface has been recognised
  • Extract the authentication form information OR basic authentication headers
  • Start bruteforcing
  • Create a report file

Environment Installation

  1. Visit
  2. Install glide (MAC Osx : brew install glide)


git clone
cd no-name
glide install
make buildandrun


./no-name --help


./main -d db.txt  -f ip.txt -o html
12:58:48 INFO  main main.go:46
	|              Web Interface Auto Submit 1.3               |
	|                         v4lproik                         |

12:58:48 WARN  main main.go:149 Can't process line : <>
12:58:48 INFO  main main.go:203 key f528764d624db129b32c21fbca0cb8d6 value test
12:58:48 INFO  main main.go:203 key ab416c39d509e72c5a0a7451a45bc65e value test2
12:58:48 INFO  main main.go:209 -
12:58:48 WARN  web simpleWebClient.go:24 No scheme for url Setting scheme to
12:58:48 DEBUG scrapmodule formModule.go:38 SubmitUrl has been found with action </WebGoat/login>
12:58:48 DEBUG scrapmodule formModule.go:44 MethodSubmit has been found with method <POST>
12:58:48 DEBUG scrapmodule formModule.go:58 Username input has been found with name <username>
12:58:48 DEBUG scrapmodule formModule.go:61 Password has been found with name <password>
12:58:48 DEBUG scrapmodule formModule.go:79 Password input has been found with type <password>
12:58:48 INFO  scrapmodule faviconModule.go:29 Start looking for a favicon
12:58:48 INFO  scrapmodule faviconModule.go:54 MD5 Favicon is : d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
12:58:49 INFO  scrapmodule bruteforceModule.go:70 Potential credentials: <admintest/admintest>
12:58:49 INFO  scrapmodule reportModule.go:114 Report has been created at /Users/v4lproik/Programmation/go/src/
14:21:36 INFO  main main.go:45
	|              Web Interface Auto Submit 1.3               |
	|                         v4lproik                         |

14:21:36 WARN  main main.go:148 Can't process line : <>
14:21:36 INFO  main main.go:202 key f528764d624db129b32c21fbca0cb8d6 value test
14:21:36 INFO  main main.go:202 key ab416c39d509e72c5a0a7451a45bc65e value test2
14:21:36 INFO  main main.go:208 -
14:21:36 WARN  web simpleWebClient.go:24 No scheme for url Setting scheme to
14:21:36 DEBUG scrapmodule formModule.go:38 SubmitUrl has been found with action <>
14:21:36 DEBUG scrapmodule formModule.go:44 MethodSubmit has been found with method <post>
14:21:36 DEBUG scrapmodule formModule.go:58 Username input has been found with name <log>
14:21:36 DEBUG scrapmodule formModule.go:61 Password has been found with name <pwd>
14:21:36 DEBUG scrapmodule formModule.go:79 Password input has been found with type <password>
14:21:36 DEBUG scrapmodule formModule.go:95 Couple name=value has been found <rememberme=forever>
14:21:36 DEBUG scrapmodule formModule.go:75 Submit input has been found with type <submit>
14:21:36 DEBUG scrapmodule formModule.go:95 Couple name=value has been found <wp-submit=Log In>
14:21:36 DEBUG scrapmodule formModule.go:95 Couple name=value has been found <redirect_to=>
14:21:36 DEBUG scrapmodule formModule.go:95 Couple name=value has been found <testcookie=1>
14:21:37 DEBUG scrapmodule bruteforceModule.go:66 Ratio <test/bug>0.985075
14:21:37 DEBUG scrapmodule bruteforceModule.go:66 Ratio <test/admin>0.985075
14:21:37 DEBUG scrapmodule bruteforceModule.go:66 Ratio <test/test>0.074194
14:21:37 INFO  scrapmodule bruteforceModule.go:70 Potential credentials: <test/test>
14:21:37 DEBUG scrapmodule bruteforceModule.go:66 Ratio <test/foo>0.985075
14:21:37 DEBUG scrapmodule bruteforceModule.go:66 Ratio <test/admintest>0.985075
14:21:37 DEBUG scrapmodule bruteforceModule.go:66 Ratio <test/guest>0.985075
14:21:37 DEBUG scrapmodule bruteforceModule.go:66 Ratio <test/user1_pass>0.985075
14:21:37 DEBUG scrapmodule bruteforceModule.go:66 Ratio <test/demo>0.985075
14:21:37 DEBUG scrapmodule bruteforceModule.go:66 Ratio <test/password>0.985075
14:21:37 INFO  scrapmodule reportModule.go:114 Report has been created at /Users/jrousseau/Programmation/go/src/


Below, some report screenshots

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

NB: You can activate the screenshot feature if you have a selenium server running by using the flag -s http://localhost:4444/wb/hub


1 - Download & Set up vulnerable boxes

docker-compose up -d

2 - Configure vulnerable boxes - Pass your docker ip as parameter

sh deployment_script/ <DOCKER_IP>

3 - Launch tests - A report coverage will be created at the root of the project with name coverage.txt

make test


This Golang program aims to help pentesters during an internal penetration test. It scans the web interfaces passed in parameter detecting the authentication form and then tries to find a valid pair of credentials.







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