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Closed Dec 9, 2016 100% complete

=== Goals ===

  • All demos work (the ones that doesn't, are dropped)
  • Supports following browsers
    • Internet Explorer 6
    • Internet Explorer 7
    • Firefox 2 on Windows
    • Firefox 2 on Mac
    • Safari 2 (Added later as this seems to be easily achieved)
  • Testable and playable by third party
  • Has license

=== Compromises ===

  • Documentation is sparse
  • Browser support is sparce (…

=== Goals ===

  • All demos work (the ones that doesn't, are dropped)
  • Supports following browsers
    • Internet Explorer 6
    • Internet Explorer 7
    • Firefox 2 on Windows
    • Firefox 2 on Mac
    • Safari 2 (Added later as this seems to be easily achieved)
  • Testable and playable by third party
  • Has license

=== Compromises ===

  • Documentation is sparse
  • Browser support is sparce (no other browsers than listed above are supported)

=== Marketing ===

  • Has (even a sparce) web-page describing its features on
  • This one will be distributed on memory stick in Ohjelmistokehitys ja Arkkitehtuuri
  • Is downloadable from
  • Should be announced without fanfares to normal channels
  • Form for submitting tickets exists (this can just email the tickets to Jani in this phase)

This milestone is closed.

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