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netmap with ns 3

Mishal Shah edited this page Mar 8, 2019 · 1 revision

We have tried to explore the netmap capabilities with ns-3. It is a SOCIS2017 project. Following are the steps we followed to setup netmap with ns-3. These steps are referenced from here.

  1. Clone the netmap repository git clone

  2. Netmap provides different modes according to the network drivers used. The generic mode doesn't modify the network drivers. You can check other modes available here.

cd netmap
./configure --no-drivers
  1. Then we generate the netmap kernel mode i.e. netmap.ko with
  1. Finally, install the netmap headers with
make install
  1. Now we need to clone the ns-3 repository with the netmap support.
git clone -b socis
  1. Enter promiscuous mode, and unbind the kernel drivers from NIC and connect with netmap driver
sudo ifconfig $device_name promisc
sudo insmod netmap.ko
  1. Change the variables(deviceName, clientAddress, serverAddress) in the example you are trying to run eg. /src/fd-net-device/examples/ Also set the transportProt to either Tcp/Udp. Modify the simulation timing as per requirement.

  2. On the server machine, start an iperf server using,

iperf -s -p 8000 -i 2
  1. Switching an interface in netmap mode requires that the raw-socket-creator program in ns-3 has sudo privileges. Then, the user must configure ns-3 with the --enable-sudo option such as in the following configuration. Build profile in ns-3 is to set as optimized to get the best throughput.
./waf configure --build-profile=optimized --enable-examples --enable-sudo
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