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First Deadline

Past due by 5 months 0% complete

The first Deadline will be the following:

Ugur: Research the possible security flaws or possible leakage of the shielded execution and possible mechanisms for monitoring/moderating without interception.

Marvin: Investigate how to hide user addresses in shielded and deshielded executions, and to find out which signature verification method can be adapted.


The first Deadline will be the following:

Ugur: Research the possible security flaws or possible leakage of the shielded execution and possible mechanisms for monitoring/moderating without interception.

Marvin: Investigate how to hide user addresses in shielded and deshielded executions, and to find out which signature verification method can be adapted.

Moudy: Focus on SE/DE vs. Private/Public, understand if UTXO will be used as only tokens or inside smart contracts. Explore TPS (max is 100). Review Ugur's and Marvin's results

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