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Internet Measurements

CS425: Computer Networking (Project-5)

  • Analyzed publicly-available measurement data to understand important properties of the Internet.
  • Traffic Measurement: Five-minute trace of Netflow records captured from a router in the Internet2 backbone that connects the major research universities in the United States is recoreded in csv file.
  • BGP Measurement: BGP update messages logged by RouteViews to analyze BGP (in)stability and convergence behavior. RouteViews has BGP sessions with a variety of different ISPs, and logs the update messages sent on each of these sessions. The update files log BGP updates for each 15-minute interval, and the RIB files have the periodic routing-table (Routing Information Base) dumps.
  • Python Scripts are used to plot complementary cumuluative distribution function(ccdf) and to calculate various fractions in traffic and BGP measurement.
  • Refer to project5-desc.pdf and Final_Report.pdf for more details.


  • flow.2001-09-29.csv.gz : Contains ft-v05.2010-09-29.235501+0000.csv flow record file for traffic measurement.
  • updates-asst4.tar.gz : Contains BGP update files in text format.
  • rib-asst4.tar.gz : Contains RIB (Routing Information Base) files in text format.
  • Python version 3.5.2 and python-packages: pandas, numpy, operator and matplotlib