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A CLI to notify you something periodically

npm styled with prettier npm Built with generator-ts-np


npm i -g periodic-notifier

How it looks?

periodic-notifier in action


To know usage, try running

periodic-notifier --help

will give you a quick guide.

Usage: periodic-notifier [options]


    -V, --version           output the version number
    -I --interval <time>    Interval at which the notification should be fired. To know more about time formats see docs.
    -T --title [title]      Title of the message
    -M --message <message>  Actual message
    -C --icon <icon>        absolute path to icon.png
    -S --sound              set this flag to make sound
    -W --wait               set this flag to wait the notification
    -h, --help              output usage information

Possible <time> formats

Following are the values you can use with -I or --interval option:

  • '2 days'
  • '1d'
  • '10h'
  • '2.5 hrs'
  • '2h'
  • '1m'
  • '5s'
  • '1y'
  • '100' (milliseconds)


periodic-notifier -I 5s -T "Feed the cat" -M "Because they are awesome.." -W

Change log

  • v1.1.0
    • bug fix with icon
    • works in more node versions.
    • notifies if a new version of the cli is available
    • better docs
  • v1.0.0
    • initial release

used version of ts-np generator


MIT © Vajahath Ahmed