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Autonolas tokenomics contracts on Solana.


This repository contain the liquidity lockbox set of contracts on Solana. The description of the concept can be found here: Liquidity lockbox concept.

The repository is still under active development.


  • Solang version: v0.3.3;
  • Solana version: solana-cli 1.17.7 (src:fca44b78; feat:3073089885, client:SolanaLabs);
  • Anchor version: anchor-cli 0.29.0.


Install the dependencies:


Build the code with:

anchor build

Run the validator in a separate window:


Then, execute the testing script:

solana airdrop 10000 9fit3w7t6FHATDaZWotpWqN7NpqgL3Lm1hqUop4hAy8h --url localhost && anchor test --skip-local-validator

For debugging, after run local validator:

solana logs -v --url localhost GUGGHzwC8wEKY3g7QS38YmoS8t5Q2faWAGAfxDK2bXbb
solana logs -v --url localhost whirLbMiicVdio4qvUfM5KAg6Ct8VwpYzGff3uctyCc

If the @programId in liquidity_lockbox.sol does not match with the deployed one, update it and re-run

anchor build


The audit is provided as development matures. The latest audit report can be found here: audits. A list of known vulnerabilities can be found here: Vulnerabilities list.

⚠️ Warning
The current version of the code fails when doing a CPI call to the Orca Whirlpool program in the withdraw() function. The issue is described here: CPI issue.

For the moment, the withdraw() function testing is wrapped into a try-catch logic.


The liquidity lockbox contracts were inspired and based on the following sources: