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valtio-history / Exports


Table of contents

Type Aliases


Type Aliases


Ƭ History<T>: Object

Type parameters


Type declaration

Name Type Description
index number the history index of the current snapshot
nodes HistoryNode<T>[] the nodes of the history for each change
wip Snapshot<T> | typeof EMPTY_WIP field for holding sandbox changes; used to avoid infinite loops

Defined in



Ƭ HistoryNode<T>: Object

Type parameters


Type declaration

Name Type Description
createdAt Date The date when the node was created
snapshot Snapshot<T> The snapshot being tracked
updatedAt? Date The date when the node was updated. Will be undefined if the node was never updated.

Defined in



Ƭ HistoryOptions: Object

Type declaration

Name Type Description
skipSubscribe? boolean determines if the internal subscribe behaviour should be skipped.

Defined in




proxyWithHistory<V>(initialValue, options?): Object

This creates a new proxy with history support (ProxyHistoryObject). It includes following main properties:

  • value: any value (does not have to be an object)
  • history: an object holding the history of snapshots and other metadata
    • history.index: the history index of the current snapshot
    • history.nodes: the nodes of the history for each change
    • history.wip: field for holding sandbox changes; used to avoid infinite loops

- Suspense/promise is not supported.

Type parameters



Name Type Description
initialValue V any value to be tracked
options? boolean | HistoryOptions use to configure the proxyWithHistory utility.




Name Type Description
canRedo () => boolean a function to return true if redo is available Deprecated See #10
canUndo () => boolean a function to return true if undo is available Deprecated See #10
clone <T>(obj: T, getRefSet?: () => WeakSet<object>) => T utility to clone a snapshot
getCurrentChangeDate () => undefined | Date get the date when a node was entered into history. Deprecated See #10
getNode (index: number) => undefined | HistoryNode<V> utility method to get a history node. The snapshot within this node is already cloned and will not affect the original value if updated.
goTo (index: number) => void a function to go to a specific index in history
history History<V> & { $$valtioSnapshot: History<V> } an object holding the history of snapshots and other metadata
- history.index: the history index to the current snapshot
- history.nodes: the nodes of the history for each change
- history.wip: field for holding sandbox changes; used to avoid infinite loops
redo () => void a function to go forward in history
remove (index: number) => undefined | HistoryNode<V> The remove method is only invoked when there are more than one nodes and when a valid index is provided. If the current index is removed, An index greater than the current index will be preferred as the next value.
replace (index: number, value: Snapshot<V>) => void utility to replace a value in history. The history changes will not be affected, only the value to be replaced. If a base value is needed to operate on, the getNode utility can be used to retrieve a cloned historyNode.

- No operations are done on the value provided to this utility.
- This is an advanced method, please ensure the value provided is a snapshot of the same type of the value being tracked.
saveHistory () => void a function to execute saving history when changes are made to value
shouldSaveHistory (ops: Op[]) => boolean a function that returns true when the history should be updated
subscribe () => () => void a function to subscribe to changes made to value
undo () => void a function to go back in history
value V any value to be tracked (does not have to be an object)
get currentChangeDate() undefined | Date -
get currentIndex() number -
get historyNodeCount() number -
get isRedoEnabled() boolean -
get isUndoEnabled() boolean -


import { proxyWithHistory } from 'valtio-history'
const state = proxyWithHistory({
  count: 1,

Defined in
