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Joey Holliday edited this page May 9, 2020 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the Robotics Intelligence Database wiki!

This was designed to give members of the Vanderbilt Robotics club a centralized location that stores all the resources you need to create your robot. We will culminate all of our collective knowledge into this database to decrease the amount of daunting research you do to accomplish a task and to increase the efficiency of actually "doing robotics". If you cannot find something in the database that you need to know, please research it and, please, PLEASE, I BEG YOU, add the resources you find to this database; it could be in the form of links paragraphs, images, videos, etc. Topics in this database include mechanical design, electronics, programming, systems engineering and more. Below are resources that tell you how to navigate, contribute to, and use the database to the fullest, as well as team and club information.


Non-robotics Resources

Topics up for Grabs

  • Digging Mechanisms
  • Drivetrain
    • Wheels
    • Motors
    • Gears, Ratios
  • Mechanical Design
    • Mechanics of Materials
  • Electrical Components
    • IMUs
      • The specific one we are using
    • Encoder
      • The specific one we are using
  • Microcontrollers, SOCs
    • Raspberry Pi
    • Beaglebone Black, Beaglebone Blue
    • Arduinos
  • Machine Learning
  • Programming
    • Data Structures
    • Embedded Systems Topics

This Wiki

How to create and edit a Github wiki Page

You can create a new page by clicking New Page in the top right hand corner. When you have made a page click Save Page at the bottom left to save it. Please DON'T SAVE ANYTHING YOU EDIT ON THIS PAGE because others have to look at this and learn too!

this is a link to almost everything you need to create the actual page in the Markdown edit mode


When creating and editing this wiki please be mindful to

  • make sure what you are adding is clear, detailed, and concise
  • Use this to make your page easier to read and visually appealing
  • If concise and detailed information for a topic is available in a link, post the link. No need to copy and paste or repeat whats already available. Remember, the goal of this database is to efficiently make spread and receive information, not to make you write a research paper.
  • Cite your sources maybe? Don't plagiarize?
  • Be very careful with editing others' work.
    • Don't delete things carelessly.
    • Make things look and sound nice
Clone this wiki locally