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Build Status License: MIT

A command-line tool for taking micro notes.


Adding a note

foo@bar:~$ vnote add csharp "virtual methods result in dynamic dispatch"
  # adding [csharp] virtual methods result in dynamic dispatch
  ✓ added 70fdcc14-6235-48d2-bc65-c6e98d23e5f5

Finding a note

foo@bar:~$ vnote find "method"
  # searching...
  ✓ results found
   - virtual methods result in dynamic dispatch


Minimum Viable Product

  • Command to add a note
  • Save notes to file in user directory (the default book)
  • Search notes using regular expressions

Future Features

  • Add topic argument(s) to find command
  • Allow the add command to detect typos (Levenshtein distance?) and warn before creating a junk topic. Example:
foo@bar:~$ vnote add jvascript "truthy values can be coerced to boolean with `!!`"
    ! did you mean to use topic "javascript" or create "jvascript"
[enter] use "javascript", [c] create "jvascript", [esc] abort:
  • Cleanup dead_code annotations
  • Implement using notebooks other than default vnote notebook
  • Travis build and host releases on Github
  • Coloured terminal output
  • Linux version
  • Organise search results according to relevance
  • Sync notebooks with remote storage
  • Relate notes to form graph (what can we do with this, I wonder?)
  • Investigate lock files (how to implement proper synchronisation for file access)

Nice to haves

  • Full text search. Index file, concordance, strip stop words, fuzzy matching

Further Reading