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Redshift password rotate

Vaquar Khan edited this page Mar 23, 2023 · 1 revision

o rotate the password for an Amazon Redshift cluster using AWS Secrets Manager, you can follow these steps:

Create a new secret in Secrets Manager:

Navigate to AWS Secrets Manager in the AWS Management Console Click on the "Store a new secret" button Select "Credentials for Redshift cluster" as the secret type Enter the username and password for the Redshift cluster, and click "Next" Enter a name for the secret and a description (optional), and click "Next" Review the settings and click "Store" to create the secret. Update the Redshift cluster with the new password:

Open the Amazon Redshift console Click on the "Clusters" link in the left navigation menu Select the cluster you want to update Click the "Modify" button Scroll down to the "Database Configuration" section Update the password for the user you want to rotate the password for Click "Continue", review the changes, and click "Modify Cluster" to apply the changes. Configure the Redshift cluster to use the new secret:

Open the Amazon Redshift console Click on the "Clusters" link in the left navigation menu Select the cluster you want to update Click the "Properties" button Scroll down to the "Cluster Properties" section Update the "Master user password" field to use the ARN of the new secret you created in step 1, for example: arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:123456789012:secret:redshift-credentials-a1b2c3 Click "Apply Changes" to save the new configuration. After completing these steps, your Redshift cluster should be using the new password from the secret you created in AWS Secrets Manager. It's important to note that you'll need to update any applications or scripts that connect to the Redshift cluster with the new password as well.

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