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VariableJson is a JSON parser that adds support for variables.

Supported languages

Language in-JSON Variables Environment Variables

Note Features are based off of the latest package version for that language. If you see a feature not available in a language, please know that we fully plan to support it in the future.


The simplest example is

  "$vars": {
    "name": "John Doe"
  "johndoe": "$(name)"

which gets converted to

  "johndoe": "John Doe"

Variables can also reference other variables

  "$vars": {
    "name": "John Doe",
    "greeting": "Hello $(name)"
  "johndoe": "$(greeting)"

which generates

  "johndoe": "Hello John Doe"

You can nest objects and arrays with each other and all other non-complex data types. Here is a complex sample

  "$vars": {
    "name": "John Doe",
    "greeting": "Hello $(name)",
    "age": 42,
    "address": {
      "street": "123 Main St",
      "city": "Anytown",
      "state": "CA",
      "zip": "12345"
    "phone": ["000-123-4567", "000-123-4568"]
  "johndoe": {
    "name": "$(name)",
    "greeting": "$(greeting)",
    "age": "$(age)",
    "address": "$(address)",
    "phone": "$(phone)"

which would give you

  "johndoe": {
    "name": "John Doe",
    "greeting": "Hello John Doe",
    "age": 42,
    "address": {
      "street": "123 Main St",
      "city": "Anytown",
      "state": "CA",
      "zip": "12345"
    "phone": ["000-123-4567", "000-123-4568"]

You can reference objects and values that are in an array by specifying the index

  "$vars": {
    "array": [1, false, true, "hello, world!", null]
  "first": "$(array.0)"

which would produce

  "first": 1

You cannot reference objects that are not stored in the variable container. For example, this will not work

  "$vars": {
    "hello": "world!"
  "fizz": "$(buzz)",
  "buzz": "$(hello)"

This will throw an exception because fizz references a variable that does not exist in the variable container.

Lastly, you can also reference environment variables using $[EnvironmentVariableName]

  "PATH": "$[PATH]"

When referencing only environment variables you do not need to specify a variable container, it won't be used. You may use both environment variables and variables in the same JSON file.

  "$vars": {
    "name": "John Doe"
  "johndoe": "$(name)",
  "PATH": "$[PATH]"

which produces

  "johndoe": "John Doe",
  "PATH": "..." // varies by system


Click on your language of choice from the table at the top of this README to see how to use VariableJson in your project. The README in the language's repository will have detailed information for that language specifically.


You can specify some options when parsing JSON using the VariableJsonOptions class.

The following options are available:

VariableKey - The name of the variable container. Defaults to $vars.

Delimiter - The delimiter to use when parsing variables. Defaults to . (period). This string should not appear in any of your JSON key names.

MaxRecurse - The maximum number of times to recurse when resolving variables. Defaults to 1024.

KeepVars - Whether or not to keep the variable container in the output. Defaults to false. The variable container will be identical to the one in the input. It's value will not be resolved.

EmittedName - The name of the variable container in the output. Defaults to $vars. Only used if KeepVars is true.

JSON Schema

While VariableJson itself is valid JSON, it uses special markers to denote variables. This means that you can't use these same markers in string-type values. To identify that you want to use the variable value instead, you should wrap the variable name in $(variableName) and set it as a string value.

  "$vars": {
    "name": "John Doe"
  "johndoe": "$(name)"

If you don't want to use $vars as the variable container, you can use the VariableJsonOptions class to specify a different variable container name. For example if set set the container name to myVars this will cause variable lookups to be performed in the myVars object instead of the $vars object.

  "myVars": {
    "name": "John Doe"
  "johndoe": "$(name)"