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                           Alien Arena
                           Version 7.66

1. Scope

This document includes information about the GNU-Linux/Unix
version of Alien Arena.  Custom options and other information
specific to Alien Arena are included here.

For general information, licensing, and contributers, see the
README.txt and license.txt documents (in the docs/ subdirectory
in the distribution archive).  For generic information about
installation, see the GNU INSTALL document.

2. Version 7.66 - For Players

The performance of Alien Arena 7.66 is much better that previous
versions.  Recent desktop and notebook computers with 3D
acceleration for OpenGL will perform well.  Use the Video
Settings menu to override the automatically selected performance

Alien Arena installation alternatives:

  * Your distribution's package manager.

  * PlayDeb or Desura distribution service.
    PlayDeb is at
    Desura is at

  * Build from source.
    See the "Installation from Distribution Archive" section below.

For more detail see these sections
  * Help and Support
  * Configuration and Troubleshooting
  * Network Information
  * Running the Program

3. Version 7.66 - For Packagers

  * The incompatibility with ODE 0.12 has been corrected.
    The configure option to use the system libode is --with-system-libode.
    If the system libode causes problems with ragdoll animation,
    configure the program to use the integrated libode.

  * There is now direct dependency on zlib.
    The configure option --with-zlib should be used.

  * The status report has more information.

  * Some little used options have been removed from

  * The documentation installation override configure option should work now.
    The configure option is --disable-documents.

  * --with-xf86vm is the default.

  * --without-xf86dga is the default.

  * The Autotools build used autoconf 2.68, and automake 1.11.6.

The default standard install follows this file system scheme:

  * ${bindir}/alienarena             (the client program)
  * ${bindir}/alienarena-ded         (the dedicated server program)

  * ${pkgdatadir}/arena/             (read only configuration files)
  * ${pkgdatadir}/botinfo/           (read only bot control files)
  * ${pkgdatadir}/data1/             (read only resource files)

  * ${datadir}/icons/alienarena.png  (the official icon)
    The configure option is --with-icondir=DIR

  * ${docdir}/                       (documents, licenses)

The shared directory is defined at build time to be exactly
$(pkgdatadir). The preprocessor symbol, DATADIR, is set to
$(pkgdatadir), The program expects the arena, botinfo, and data1
shared, read-only subdirectories to be there.

The program defaults for the user's home directory are:

  * ${HOME}/.codered/arena/   (read/write configuration and resource files)
  * ${HOME}/.codered/botinfo/ (read/write bot control files)
  * ${HOME}/.codered/data1/   (read/write resource files, rarely created)

At build time, the environment variable, ALIENARENA_HOMEDIR, can
be used to override the default .codered user home subdirectory.

At run time, the environment variable, COR_GAME, will override
the user home subdirectory program setting.  This should normally
be left as a user option.

The arena subdirectory in the user home directory receives most
of automatic resource downloads. By convention, it is where 3rd
party maps are placed. The files in the user home have priority
over the same name files in the read-only, shared directories.

4. Help and Support

The Alien Arena Home Page URL is:

There are links there to the Alien Arena Forum and other helpful
Internet resources.  The Alien Arena IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
channel is now served by:

The in-game IRC connects to #alienarena there.

There are web sites with 3rd party maps, skins, etc.  See the
Home Page for links.

There is a Subversion (SVN) repository for Alien Arena.  See the
topic "Getting Alien Arena from SVN" below.

Alien Arena is on IndieDB.

Alien Arena is on Facebook and Twitter.  See the Homepage for

5. Network Information

These ports are used by the program:
  * UDP 27900 for the master server. Used for getting server list.
  * UDP 27901 for the client.
  * UDP 27902 for account/stats system password validation.
  * UDP 27910 is the default for a server, but is often configured otherwise.
  * TCP 6667 is the default for in-game connection to the IRC channel.

The cURL library is used to retrieve game resources, player
ranking information, and current version information from these

Online performance will vary depending on the network connection
between the your computer (the client) and the server.  Servers
with *lower* ping are better.

Playing online may require firewall configuration.

6. Installation from Distribution Archive

This describes the standard installation. There is another
installation method described below in section, "Alternate

If you are reading this, you may have already unpacked the
distribution archive (aka, "tarball") into your HOME directory.
Otherwise, the terminal command line for unpacking the archive
  $ tar -xzf alienarena-<some version numbers>.tar.gz
Or, using the graphical file browser, right click on the file
name, and left click on "Extract Here."  Then follow the
instructions below to build the program.

To build Alien Arena requires the compiler and various libraries.
If you have built other programs these will probably be
installed. If they are not there will be errors and the configure
procedure will fail.

If it fails, check the error messages for required software
packages that may be missing.  Check the forum for easy ways to
install the required libraries for the operating system you are
using.  Alien Arena uses these components (in parentheses: some
example file name variations):
  *X11         (libx11-dev, libX11, libxxf86dga-dev, libxxf86vm-dev, libXxf86vm)
  *OpenGL      (libgl1-mesa-dev, libGL)
  *OpenAL 1.1  (libopenal, libopenal-dev)
  *Ogg-Vorbis, (libogg-dev, libvorbis-dev. libogg, libvorbis, libvorbisfile)
  *cURL,       (libcurl, libcurl4-gnutls-dev)
  *FreeType2   (libfreetype, libfreetype6-dev)
  *JPEG        (libjpeg8-dev)
  *ZLib        (libz)
  *ODE         (libode, libode-dev)

Using the terminal, change to the "alienarena-7.66" directory and
enter these commands:

--- Simple Version ---

  $ ./configure
  $ make
  $ sudo make install

--- Not-so-Simple Version ---

In the following the command options are listed on separate lines
with short explanations. They are entered on one line with the
command, of course.

$ export CFLAGS=
    -O3              (more optimization than -O2)
    -pipe            (faster compile)
    -march=native   (tuned for CPU on this machine)
    -DNDEBUG         (remove assert statements)

    -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2   (improved security)
    -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4  (improved security)

If not configuring with the --with-system-libode option then set
the same options for the c++ compiler:

$ export CXXLAGS=
    -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4

    --with-system-libode       (use the system libode)
    --disable-silent-rules        (verbose output)
    --disable-dependency-tracking      (speed up one-time build)
    ALIENARENA_HOMEDIR=some_other_dir  (override default ~/.codered)

$ make

$ sudo make install

The variable, ALIENARENA_HOMEDIR, is relative to the user home,
NOT the full path.  For example:
  $ ./configure ALIENARENA_HOMEDIR=my_alienarena

Check the notes about using the system libode in the "Custom
Configure Options" section, if ragdolls do not work right, or if
enabling ragdolls crashes the program.

By default, 'sudo make install' will install the game programs
and data like this:

      alienarena-ded  (dedicated server)
          <various documents>

Following installation, intermediate files generated by the build
may be removed using:

  $ make clean

To uninstall the program and data that 'sudo make install'
installed, run:

  $ sudo make uninstall

The uninstall procedure may not remove all files and directories.
Some manual removal may be required.

7. Running the Program

To run:
  $ alienarena

In the menu, Single Player will run a simple pre-configured local
game.  For more single player options, go to the Host Server
menu.  Setting "public server" to "no" will keep your local game
from being broadcast with the master server list.

For multiplayer, online play, first enter your player name and a
password in the Player Setup menu.  Then go to the Join Server
menu to find a Server.  Bots will always show ping of 0.  They
have some mean sounding, but amusing, taunts.  Do not let it
bother you, just frag 'em.  They may attack with the "probe", if
you let them get close, watch out!

Command line options to alienarena are NOT standard.  They follow
a format inherited from Alien Arena's Quake 2 roots.  Command
line options are the same as console commands, normally using a
'+' character prefix.  The details are beyond the scope of this
document; but a simple example is:
  $ alienarena +set maxclients 10

When the program is run, a directory is created in the user HOME
directory.  Various kinds of data (config files, downloaded data,
custom bot setups) are written there.  The default directory name
is ".codered/".  That can be changed using an environment
variable, COR_GAME.

For example:
  $ export COR_GAME=/home/user/.my_codered

8. Configuration and Troubleshooting

When the game program exits, it stores settings in "config.cfg".
The default location for this file is
"/home/<user>/.codered/arena/", but it might be elsewhere
depending on your distribution or configuration.

For custom settings, create a file, "autoexec.cfg" in the same
directory as "config.cfg".  Settings in "autoexec.cfg" will
override settings in "config.cfg".  Details about settings are
beyond the scope of this document.  Go to the websites, the forum
and the IRC channel for more information.

If there are problems, sometimes it helps to delete "config.cfg",
and then re-enter menu settings.

Alien Arena is based on Quake games.  Many of the cvars are the
same as Quake 2.  More information can be found on the Forum and
on the Web.

Version 7.66 adds new console variables related to new features.
The important ones are set using the menu.  Check the forum for
more info.  Or ask the friendly people in the IRC channel.

If the game does not run smoothly, graphics settings may need to
be adjusted.  It is best to start with the video card's setup
utility, then adjust the Alien Arena settings.  A different or
updated video driver may be needed.

There are settings in both the "Game Options" and "Video Options"
sections that affect performance.  Enable the video frame rate
display in the "Game Options" menu by setting "display fps" to
yes.  The maximum frame rate is set with the console variable
("cvar"), "cl_maxfps".  Get more information on the Forum,
Websites, and IRC channel.

For sound problems, check OpenAL documentation about
configuration settings in the "alsoftrc" file.

If you have a high resolution mouse, you may need to set the
mouse sensitivity cvar.  The cvar name is "sensitivity" and it
may be set to fractional values between 0.0 and 1.0.  Use the
console to determine the value, then put it in autoexec.cfg.

The mouse may behave badly (always pointing up, for instance).
This can usually be fixed by setting the console variable (cvar),
"in_dgamouse", to zero.  Put this line into the "autoexec.cfg"
  set in_dgamouse "0"
By default, the program is built without DGA, so this only
applies if the following configure option was set.

If the display will not go into full screen mode, it is likely
the Xxf86vm library (libxxf86vm-dev or libXxf86vm) is missing on
your system.

9. Custom Configure Options

Run './configure --help' for a list of options.  Note that many
of the options are built-in and some are not meaningful or useful
for Alien Arena.  Options are entered on the command line in the
usual way; the help output has the details.  Refer to the GNU
INSTALL document for general details.

To build the dedicated server only, use the following configure

By default, configure produces a status message giving
information on the configuration.  To hide that message, use:

To rename the programs, use the standard configure option.  For

To install to a different location, use the standard configure
option.  For example:

To specify an installation location for the icon, use the
following option.

To use the system-supplied libode, rather than the integrated
ODE, use this option:
If 'pkg-config --cflags ode' returns -DdDOUBLE, it is probably
safe to use the system library.  The integrated ODE is built
using these compile options:
Using a libode built with -DdSINGLE makes ragdolls excessively
"raggedy".  Other libode build variations will likely result in
program failure.

To disable installation of documents, use the following option.

The server terminal will output color if the following option is
used.  This converts Quake-style color codes to ANSI color

Other Alien Arena custom options are intended mostly for
developer use.  If you use them, it is assumed that you know what
you are doing.

10. Tools

Tools/fuse.tar.gz contains a game server browser.  See documents
in that package for details.

Tools/LinuxScripts contains tools for server management.  See the
README there for details.

11. Alternate Install

This configures the installation to use the "traditional", single
directory, in-place install.  It does not define DATADIR, and the
executables need to be in the top game directory.  Normally, this
install would be done somewhere in your HOME directory.  Root
privileges would not be required to write the game data.  The
configure option for renaming of the executables is not

If you are a map-builder, you should use this option.  Some
mapping tools may not work with the "standard" install.

If you regularly update to the latest development code from the
Subversion Repository, you may prefer this option.

The two install methods are not mutually exclusive.  With some
care, it is possible to use both.

The configure option is:

Following the usual 'make', it requires

  $ make install-alternate

This just copies the executables to the top game directory.  The
effect of using any other 'install' make target is "undefined".

12. Getting Alien Arena from SVN

The repository has the latest development version of Alien Arena.
It contains tools and other resources that are not a part of the
regular distribution.

The SVN repository may be browsed at:

Anonymous read-only checkout is available using this command:

svn co svn:// alienarena

More information about Subversion may be found at:


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