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sagemathgh-35053: Added kth roots to Permutation
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### 📚 Description

Added 3 functions that deal with k-th roots of permutations:
1) Permutation.kth_roots(k) compute a iterator of over all k-th roots of
2) Permutation.has_kth_root(k) determines if self has a k-th root (or
3) Permutation.number_of_kth_roots(k) returns the number of k-th roots
of self.

Added integer_partition_with_given_parts(n, parts) in (for
use in k-th roots computations):
it creates a iterator over all partitions of n which parts are in the
variable parts.

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URL: sagemath#35053
Reported by: GermainPoullot
Reviewer(s): Frédéric Chapoton, GermainPoullot, Martin Rubey, Travis Scrimshaw, Vincent Delecroix
  • Loading branch information
Release Manager committed Nov 2, 2023
2 parents eb8417b + 13b52c5 commit 07ff72a
Showing 1 changed file with 247 additions and 0 deletions.
247 changes: 247 additions & 0 deletions src/sage/combinat/
Expand Up @@ -5383,6 +5383,253 @@ def shifted_shuffle(self, other):
return self.shifted_concatenation(other, "right").\
right_permutohedron_interval(self.shifted_concatenation(other, "left"))

def nth_roots(self, n):
Return all n-th roots of ``self`` (as a generator).
An n-th root of the permutation `\sigma` is a permutation `\gamma` such that `\gamma^n = \sigma`.
Note that the number of n-th roots only depends on the cycle type of ``self``.
sage: sigma = Permutations(5).identity()
sage: list(sigma.nth_roots(3))
[[1, 4, 3, 5, 2], [1, 5, 3, 2, 4], [1, 2, 4, 5, 3], [1, 2, 5, 3, 4], [4, 2, 3, 5, 1], [5, 2, 3, 1, 4], [3, 2, 5, 4, 1],
[5, 2, 1, 4, 3], [2, 5, 3, 4, 1], [5, 1, 3, 4, 2], [2, 3, 1, 4, 5], [3, 1, 2, 4, 5], [2, 4, 3, 1, 5], [4, 1, 3, 2, 5],
[3, 2, 4, 1, 5], [4, 2, 1, 3, 5], [1, 3, 4, 2, 5], [1, 4, 2, 3, 5], [1, 3, 5, 4, 2], [1, 5, 2, 4, 3], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
sage: sigma = Permutation('(1, 3)')
sage: list(sigma.nth_roots(2))
For n >= 6, this algorithm begins to be more efficient than naive search
(look at all permutations and test their n-th power).
* :meth:`has_nth_root`
* :meth:`number_of_nth_roots`
We compute the number of square roots of the identity (i.e. involutions in `S_n`, :oeis:`A000085`)::
sage: [len(list(Permutations(n).identity().nth_roots(2))) for n in range(2,8)]
[2, 4, 10, 26, 76, 232]
sage: list(Permutation('(1)').nth_roots(2))
sage: list(Permutation('').nth_roots(2))
sage: sigma = Permutations(6).random_element()
sage: list(sigma.nth_roots(1)) == [sigma]
sage: list(Permutations(4).identity().nth_roots(-1))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: n must be at least 1
from sage.combinat.partition import Partitions
from sage.combinat.set_partition import SetPartitions
from itertools import product
from sage.arith.misc import divisors, gcd

def merging_cycles(list_of_cycles):
Generate all l-cycles such that its n-th power is the product
of cycles in 'cycles' (which contains gcd(l, n) cycles of length l/gcd(l, n))
lC = len(list_of_cycles)
lperm = len(list_of_cycles[0])
l = lC*lperm
perm = [0] * l
for j in range(lperm):
perm[j*lC] = list_of_cycles[0][j]
for p in Permutations(lC-1):
for indices in product(*[range(lperm) for _ in range(lC-1)]):
new_perm = list(perm)
for i in range(lC-1):
for j in range(lperm):
new_perm[(p[i] + (indices[i]+j)*lC) % l] = list_of_cycles[i+1][j]
yield Permutation(tuple(new_perm))

def rewind(L, n):
Construct the list M such that ``M[(j * n) % len(M)] == L[j]``.
M = [0] * len(L)
m = len(M)
for j in range(m):
M[(j * n) % m] = L[j]
return M

if n < 1:
raise ValueError('n must be at least 1')

P = Permutations(self.size())

# Creating dict {length: cycles of this length in the cycle decomposition of sigma}
cycles = {}
for c in self.cycle_tuples(singletons=True):
lc = len(c)
if lc not in cycles:
cycles[lc] = []

# for each length m, collects all product of cycles which n-th power gives the product prod(cycles[l])
possibilities = [[] for m in cycles]
for i, m in enumerate(cycles):
N = len(cycles[m])
parts = [x for x in divisors(n) if gcd(m*x, n) == x]
b = False
for X in Partitions(N, parts_in=parts):
for partition in SetPartitions(N, X):
b = True
poss = [P.identity()]
for pa in partition:
poss = [p*q for p in poss
for q in merging_cycles([rewind(cycles[m][i-1], n//len(pa)) for i in pa])]
possibilities[i] += poss
if not b:

# Product of Possibilities (i.e. final result)
for L in product(*possibilities):

def has_nth_root(self, n) -> bool:
Decide if ``self`` has n-th roots.
An n-th root of the permutation `\sigma` is a permutation `\gamma` such that `\gamma^n = \sigma`.
Note that the number of n-th roots only depends on the cycle type of ``self``.
sage: sigma = Permutations(5).identity()
sage: sigma.has_nth_root(3)
sage: sigma = Permutation('(1, 3)')
sage: sigma.has_nth_root(2)
* :meth:`nth_roots`
* :meth:`number_of_nth_roots`
We compute the number of permutations that have square roots (i.e. squares in `S_n`, :oeis:`A003483`)::
sage: [len([p for p in Permutations(n) if p.has_nth_root(2)]) for n in range(2, 7)]
[1, 3, 12, 60, 270]
sage: Permutation('(1)').has_nth_root(2)
sage: Permutation('').has_nth_root(2)
sage: sigma = Permutations(6).random_element()
sage: sigma.has_nth_root(1)
sage: Permutations(4).identity().has_nth_root(-1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: n must be at least 1
from sage.combinat.partition import Partitions
from sage.arith.misc import divisors, gcd

if n < 1:
raise ValueError('n must be at least 1')

cycles = self.cycle_type().to_exp_dict()

# for each length m, check if the number of m-cycles can come from a n-th power
# (i.e. if you can partition m*Cycles[m] into parts of size l with l = m*gcd(l, n))
for m, N in cycles.items():
parts = [x for x in divisors(n) if gcd(m*x, n) == x]
if Partitions(N, parts_in=parts).is_empty():
return False
return True

def number_of_nth_roots(self, n):
Return the number of n-th roots of ``self``.
An n-th root of the permutation `\sigma` is a permutation `\gamma` such that `\gamma^n = \sigma`.
Note that the number of n-th roots only depends on the cycle type of ``self``.
sage: Sigma = Permutations(5).identity()
sage: Sigma.number_of_nth_roots(3)
sage: Sigma = Permutation('(1, 3)')
sage: Sigma.number_of_nth_roots(2)
* :meth:`nth_roots`
* :meth:`has_nth_root`
We compute the number of square roots of the identity (i.e. involutions in `S_n`, :oeis:`A000085`), then the number of cubic roots::
sage: [Permutations(n).identity().number_of_nth_roots(2) for n in range(2, 10)]
[2, 4, 10, 26, 76, 232, 764, 2620]
sage: [Permutations(n).identity().number_of_nth_roots(3) for n in range(2, 10)]
[1, 3, 9, 21, 81, 351, 1233, 5769]
sage: Permutation('(1)').number_of_nth_roots(2)
sage: Permutation('').number_of_nth_roots(2)
sage: Sigma = Permutations(6).random_element()
sage: Sigma.number_of_nth_roots(1)
sage: Permutations(4).identity().number_of_nth_roots(-1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: n must be at least 1
from sage.combinat.partition import Partitions
from sage.combinat.set_partition import SetPartitions
from sage.arith.misc import divisors, gcd
from sage.misc.misc_c import prod

if n < 1:
raise ValueError('n must be at least 1')

cycles = self.cycle_type().to_exp_dict()
result = 1
for m, N in cycles.items():
parts = [x for x in divisors(n) if gcd(m*x, n) == x]
result *= sum(SetPartitions(N, pa).cardinality() *
prod(factorial(x-1) * m**(x-1) for x in pa)
for pa in Partitions(N, parts_in=parts))

if not result:
return 0

return result

def _tableau_contribution(T):
Expand Down

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