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Interface for the Vearn protocol supporting Connex instances for VeWorld and Sync2.

Live versions:

Network URL

This DApp was built with Svelte.


  1. Users can log in using either Sync2 or VeWorld wallet providers.
  2. Users have the option to set a reserve balance via the UI, indicating the minimum balance that will be retained in their account after swaps.
  3. If the logged-in account holds a positive VET balance, users can view a list of upcoming trades (swaps).
  4. Users can authorize the Vearn protocol to spend their VTHO tokens in exchange for VET.
  5. Upon authorization, the backend service will monitor the user's account and initiate a swap once the VTHO balance reaches a certain threshold.
  6. After a trade is executed, users can view a list of past trades and updated statistics associated with their account.
  7. Users have the flexibility to adjust their reserve balance at any time.
  8. Users can revoke authorization for the Vearn protocol at any time.

Getting started

Clone the project and set your environmental variables based on the provided example:

git clone
cp .env.example .env
npm install

Available scripts

Run in dev mode:

npm run dev

Build for production:

npm run build

Serve production build locally:

npm run preview


The app is mainly covered using cypress integration tests. You can run all integration tests in interaction mode via cy:open

Start the app in one terminal

nvm use 18
npm run build
npm run preview

On a second terminal, run the test suit

npm run test:integration

Please, refer to the e2e-coverage folder for coverage report.


npm run storybook