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Cadmus incubator shell for shared libraries with sub-model editors, version 2.

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Cadmus Bricks Shell V2

👀 Bricks Demo: an online demo showing all the bricks in action. Just pick the desired one from the menu and play with it.

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 17.3.3. It is a shell for incubating a number of Cadmus sub-models, implemented as Angular components with their editing UI.

This shell is derived from version 1 by refactoring all the libraries into standalone, and updating all the dependencies. Apart from these changes and minor improvements in the libraries, and additions to Markdown plugins, version 2 is the same as version 1.

To maintain compatibility with existing projects, this new version has been added side to side to the original version 1. This allows existing projects still use version 1 until they find some time to migrate to version 2.

All the libraries in this repository have bumped their major version number to 5. So, any version-5 and beyond library belongs to shell V2. Shell V1 will get fixes, but new features will be added to V2.

As Cadmus projects increase, the prototype code reveals more and more portions which can be developed as shared, reused UI components: these are the bricks, i.e. sub-model editor components shared by many projects. Each brick or set of bricks is grouped in a single library, which can be imported in your Cadmus frontend project.

⚠️ Note that some of the bricks require additional third-party libraries. See the documentation about each library for details.

🐋 Quick Docker image build (the only purpose of this image is letting testers play with controls in the incubator):

  1. npm run build-lib.
  2. ensure to update the version in env.js (and docker-compose.yml), and ng build --configuration production.
  3. docker build . -t vedph2020/cadmus-bricks-app:5.1.2 -t vedph2020/cadmus-bricks-app:latest (replace with the current version).

Use publish.bat to publish the libraries to NPM.


Adding a Brick

To add a brick:

  1. add a library project to this workspace: ng g library @myrmidon/LIBNS-LIBNAME --prefix cadmus-LIBNS.
  2. add a control in the library.
  3. add a corresponding host page in the app, with its menu and route.

Migration from V1

Migrating to version 2 implies these changes:

  1. update all the references to brick libraries to version 5.x.x.
  2. change the imports to import specific components, pipes or services rather than modules. As previous code referenced the libraries via modules, and V2 libraries no longer have them, a compilation error will be issued, so you don't risk to make confusions.

⚠️ Additionally, V2 has replaced ngx-monaco-editor-v2 and ngx-markdown with libraries from NG essentials. So it is recommended to replace your app's libraries with these, as specified below.


(1) replace ngx-markdown-editor-v2 with @cisstech/nge monaco-editor. Also remove the corresponding glob for Monaco in angular.json if present.

npm uninstall ngx-monaco-editor-v2 --force
npm i @cisstech/nge monaco-editor --force

(2) instead of importing MonacoEditorModule, import NgeMonacoModule in the app's module or appConfig. Then, also import NgeMonacoModule (of course, without forRoot) wherever you use it.

import { NgeMonacoModule } from '@cisstech/nge/monaco';

// in your imports, add:
// NgeMonacoModule.forRoot({})

To quickly find all the parts using Monaco, usually you can look for MonacoEditorModule in code, and for <ngx-monaco-editor in templates.

(3) add lower level code for using Monaco, as sampled below. Essentially this means creating a model and setting it in the Monaco editor creation event handler. Typically you will also want to store the reference to the received editor object for later usage. To make this light wrapper as near as possible to the underlying Monaco editor instance, there is no text binding. So, text is handled as follows:

  • set text like this._editorModel.setValue('some text'). When you init the editor, you can also set an initial text in createModel.
  • get text whenever it changes, by handling model's onDidChangeContent event; in the handler use model's getValue() to get the text. This implies implementing ngOnDestroy for event handler cleanup as in the sample below.

The Monaco wrapper was replaced to get closer to the underlying editor, and to avoid issues with the original library, which has been left behind. There also seems to be an issue when building Angular + the old Monaco wrapper, because of webpack not being able to load TTF files from the Monaco package. As a temporary workaround, you could just patch the Monaco library manually:

  1. open node_modules/monaco-editor/esm/vs/base/browser/ui/codicons/codicon/codicon.css:9:6:
  2. comment out line 9 (I don't need icons in Monaco):
@font-face {
  font-family: "codicon";
  font-display: block;
  /* src: url(./codicon.ttf) format("truetype"); */

Anyway, it is recommended to switch to the new wrapper, which is more streamlined and up to date.

Monaco - Lower Level Code

Example template:

  style="--editor-height: 400px;"
import { Component, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'app-example',
    templateUrl: './example.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./example.component.scss'],
export class ExampleComponent implement OnDestroy {
    private readonly _disposables: monaco.IDisposable[] = [];
    private _editorModel?: monaco.editor.ITextModel;
    private _editor?: monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor;

    public ngOnDestroy() {
        this._disposables.forEach(d => d.dispose());

    public onCreateEditor(editor: monaco.editor.IEditor) {
            minimap: {
                side: 'right'
            wordWrap: 'on',
            automaticLayout: true            
        this._editorModel = this._editorModel || monaco.editor.createModel('# Hello world', 'markdown');
        this._editor = editor as monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor;

            this._editorModel.onDidChangeContent(e => {
                // you can set some FormControl like e.g.:
                // this.text.setValue(this._editorModel!.getValue());
                // this.text.markAsDirty();
                // this.text.updateValueAndValidity();

        // example binding
        editor.addCommand(monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.KeyS, (e) => {

You can remove the editorOptions property bound to the old wrapper as it is no more required.


(1) replace ngx-markdown with nge-markdown: uninstall the former library and install the latter. Keep marked, as it's a dependency for both.

npm uninstall ngx-markdown --force
npm i nge-markdown --force

(2) remove the NgxMarkdownModule.forRoot() import from the app module and MarkdownModule.forChild() from the children modules.

(3) just import NgeMarkdownModule in the component/module requiring it (via import { NgeMarkdownModule } from '@cisstech/nge/markdown';):

import { NgeMarkdownModule } from '@cisstech/nge/markdown';

// in your imports, add:
// NgeMarkdownModule

The corresponding selector in templates for the old NgxMarkdownModule component is markdown.

(4) to display MD via binding: <nge-markdown [data]="text.value || undefined"></nge-markdown>.


This is derived from Cadmus bricks shell v1 by recreating a workspace in Angular 17 and adding libraries to it (via ng g library):

npm i @myrmidon/auth-jwt-admin @myrmidon/auth-jwt-login @myrmidon/cadmus-api @myrmidon/cadmus-core @myrmidon/ng-mat-tools @myrmidon/ng-tools @myrmidon/paged-data-browsers @recogito/annotorious @recogito/annotorious-openseadragon @recogito/annotorious-selector-pack gravatar marked monaco-editor ngx-markdown ngx-monaco-editor-v2 openseadragon

npm i @types/marked @types/openseadragon --save-dev

ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-cod-location --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-img-annotator --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-img-gallery --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-img-gallery-iiif --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-mat-physical-size --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-refs-asserted-chronotope --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-refs-asserted-ids --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-refs-assertion --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-refs-chronotope --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-refs-dbpedia-lookup --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-refs-decorated-counts --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-refs-decorated-ids --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-refs-doc-references --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-refs-external-ids --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-refs-historical-date --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-refs-lookup --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-refs-proper-name --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-refs-viaf-lookup --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-sdimg-annotator --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-sdimg-gallery --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-text-block-view --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-text-ed --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-text-ed-md --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-ui-custom-action-bar --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-ui-flags-picker --prefix cadmus
ng g library @myrmidon/cadmus-ui-note-set --prefix cadmus

Then, the code for each library has been imported except for their module, and each component or directive has been refactored for standalone. Also, @myrmidon peer dependencies have been explicitly added to those libraries implying them.



  • 2024-05-24:
    • updated packages.
    • minor fixes in templates.
    • added automatic scope selection in external lookup when dealing with a multiple lookups set.
    • fixes to DBPedia service and improved test page.
    • added url parameter to GeoNames service.
    • added GeoNames service test page.


  • 2024-05-23:
    • ⚠️ updated to Angular 18 and updated all peer dependencies, bumping versions to 5.1.0.
    • fixed dismiss dialog for link text plugin (@myrmidon/cadmus-text-ed-md).
    • updated to new control flow syntax.
  • 2024-05-08:
    • fixed missing export in DBPedia lookup.
    • ⚠️ moved Emoji plugin from MD to plain text plugins (@myrmidon/cadmus-text-ed-txt).
  • 2024-04-30: fixes to link CTE plugin.
  • 2024-04-29:
    • fixes to OSD gallery. Still having issues with OSD in the demo.
    • fixes to link plugin in @myrmidon/cadmus-text-ed-md.
    • added withJsonpSupport() to demo app config to work with VIAF JSONP.
  • 2024-04-28:
    • updated Angular.
    • fixes to OSD import.
    • more documentation for gallery.


  • 2024-04-19: added GeoNames service and lookup service.