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Ventoy 1.0.72 release

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@ventoy ventoy released this 26 Mar 09:39
  1. Ventoy Subscription Service. Notes
  2. Add support for venomlinux (#1526)
  3. Add missing execute bit when packing (#1530)
  4. vtoyboot-1.0.20 release. Notes
  5. Fix some typo and grammar mistakes in the document and language.json

See for more details.

About Ventoy Subscription Service
Ventoy is an open source software under GPLv3 license.
But Ventoy project need to pay for the server hosting, domain name, bandwidth, many USB sticks for test, large capacity of HDD (for downloading ISO files) and so on.
For the better and sustainable development of Ventoy, I provide the subscription service.
For details please refer:

SHA-256     ad75ebe80d5afab677d0e3c636c575d985d71df078deef8728277df6ceaf71ef
ventoy-1.0.72-linux.tar.gz:    d667dee999ea91e04d18d8c8ed0c7b8c6e452e07e7eab570af4550bd2386ecec
ventoy-1.0.72-livecd.iso:      d270802446e15addfdd44e6a2cc6c318d75fc914bca06e60718f5bf4cd401b0d