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@engram-design engram-design released this 06 Aug 02:36
· 185 commits to craft-5 since this release

Breaking Changes

  • Repeater and Group fields values now no longer use elements, just plain arrays. This brings several performance improvements and simplification to these fields.
  • OAuth-based integrations now use the Auth Module to handle authentication under the hood.
  • References to subfield is now subField for various classes.
  • Element fields (Categories, Entries, File Upload, Products, Tags, Users, Variants) now use their public URL in email notifications.
  • Options fields (Checkboxes, Dropdown, Radio) now use their option labels in email notifications.
  • Changed fieldInputContainer to fieldInputWrapper for Theme Config and .fui-input-container class to .fui-input-wrapper for fields.
  • Date fields now no longer use Flatpickr as a date-picker by default.
  • Changed the value returned for Address fields when queried via GraphQL.
  • Change Field’s name to label for GraphQL queries.
  • Change Page’s name to label for GraphQL queries.


  • Added new user interface for sub-field (Address, Date, and Name).
  • Added the ability to re-order sub-fields.
  • Added the ability to edit the full settings of sub-field fields.
  • Added ability to send email notifications or trigger integrations when unmarking a submission as spam.
  • Added the ability to set the control panel or public URL for element fields (Categories, Entries, File Upload, Products, Tags, Users, Variants).
  • Added the ability to set the label or value for options fields (Checkboxes, Dropdown, Radio).
  • Added the ability to override “All Form Fields”, “All Non Empty Fields” and “All Visible Fields” variables with Email Notification templates.
  • Added “Calendar (Simple)” and “Calendar (Advanced)” to Date field display types, replacing “Use Date Picker”.
  • Added CSS Layers support for front-end CSS.
  • Fields moved in and out of Group fields now have their content moved as well.
  • Fields can now be moved to and from Group/Repeater fields.
  • Added “Required Field Indicator” for forms, to either show an asterisk for required fields (default) or show optional for non-required fields.
  • Added the form.setPageSettings() function to override page settings in your Twig templates.
  • Added support for Group and Repeater fields to be added as an existing field, or a synced field in the form builder.
  • Added support for Repeater fields to use conditions (within their own row of fields).
  • Added support for all CRM integrations to only fetch data objects for ones that are enabled in the form builder integration settings.
  • Added keyboard navigation to variable picker dropdown.
  • Added the ability to type { in variable picker components to autocomplete variables.
  • Added handle to Email Notifications that can be accessed directly, instead of by their ID.
  • Added isFinalPage in JSON response for Ajax-based forms.
  • Added “All Submissions Behaviour” plugin setting.
  • Added the ability to store custom data (customSettings) on a Notification, to store extra data against a Notification.
  • Added the ability to modify Notification tabs and field settings (schema) via Notifications::EVENT_MODIFY_NOTIFICATION_SCHEMA.
  • You can now get submission field values via dot-notation for nested values. e.g. submission.getFieldValue('group.text') or submission.getFieldValue('repeater.1.text')
  • You can now query submission field values via dot-notation for nested values. e.g. submission.field('group.text').one() or submission.field('repeater.1.text').one()
  • Integrations can now populate a $context property with arbitrary data that's stored before processing, and accessible in the queue job.
  • Allow craft.formie.renderJs to set JS attributes for scripts.
  • Added data-fui-alert-error and data-fui-alert-success attributes on front-end alerts.
  • Added data-field-label attribute to labels/legends for fields.
  • Added data-validation to fields, to denote what validators to use for the field.
  • Added initRow to Repeater field JS events.
  • Added client-side validation for min/max word/character limit for text fields.
  • Added the current rowId for the data-repeater-row attribute for Repeater fields.
  • Added onFormieLoaded JS event.
  • Added double-clicking a page in the form builder now opens the pages editor.
  • Added “Recipients” to the Email Notifications index table.
  • Added Table node to rich text editor settings (used for numerous form, field and notification settings).
  • Added the ability for Recipients fields to pre-populate the field via their option label.
  • Added verbb\formie\fields\subfields classes to better handle sub-field inner fields.
  • Added NestedField::EVENT_MODIFY_NESTED_FIELD_LAYOUT to modify the field layout of Nested or Sub-Fields.
  • Added verbb\formie\base\CosmeticField class.
  • Added verbb\formie\base\ElementField class.
  • Added verbb\formie\base\MultiNestedField class.
  • Added verbb\formie\base\OptionsField class.
  • Added verbb\formie\base\SingleNestedField class.
  • Added verbb\formie\base\SubField class.
  • Added Field::getValueForVariable() to allow fields to handle logic for variables.
  • Added Field::getValueForCondition() for handling serialization for condition evaluation.
  • Added Field::getValueForEmailPreview() for fields to define their own preview for email notifications.
  • Added Field::fieldKey to represent the handles of a field and any parent field. e.g. group.text or repeater.text.
  • Added Field:: lowerClassName().
  • Added Field::isDisabled.
  • Added Field::enabled to allow you to disable a field.
  • Added Submission::hasStatusChanged() and Submission::hasSpamChanged().


  • Now requires PHP 8.2.0+.
  • Now requires Craft 5.0.0+.
  • Updated Vue, Vite, Formkit and all JS dependencies to their latest versions.
  • Updated Feed Me integration support for Feed Me 6+.
  • Updated Freeform migration to support Freeform 5+.
  • Submission content no longer have their own content tables. Content is now in a single content column, in your formie_submissions database table.
  • Submissions now have Create/Save/Delete user permissions.
  • Submissions now have separate view and manage user permissions.
  • Sent Notifications now have “All” or per-form user permissions for View/Resend/Delete.
  • Formie::log() is now Formie::info().
  • Integration::log() is now Integration::info().
  • Updated form builder modals and implement better modal accessibility.
  • Switched Stripe payments to use “Payment Web Element”, adding the ability to use non-credit card payments like Apple Pay, AfterPay, etc
  • Revamped front-end validation and removed bouncer.js.
  • Submissions now send any email notifications that have status conditions when a completed submission is saved.
  • Field errors now only show their first error when validation fails.
  • Re-organise validator rules and add client-side match field validator.
  • data-field-handle for fields now includes the full dot-notation “fieldKey” of the field, including any parent. So name.firstName, group.text or repeater.new1.text.
  • Captchas for GraphQL mutations now don’t require a mandatory variables parameter to be named the same as their input type.
  • Querying fields and rows via GraphQL now default to only returned enabled fields.
  • Front-end form JavaScript now waits until the form has entered the viewable area on the page to be initialized.
  • The onFormieInit now fires on every initialization of a form, when it’s visible on the page.
  • Captchas now smartly load whenever they have entered the viewable area on the page. This greatly improves page-load performance when the form is initially hidden (in a modal for example).
  • Sub-fields now extend from the verbb\formie\base\SingleNestedField and inherit many behaviours from Group fields.
  • Phone fields are no longer verbb\formie\base\SubField fields.
  • Sub-field fields now store their field config in their own row in the formie_fields database table, under their own layout (page, row, field).
  • Update GraphQL interfaces for all fields to explicitly define fields to query. Previously these were automatically done via Reflection.
  • Integration field mapping now uses field:fieldHandle syntax for fields.
  • Integration field mapping now uses dot-notation (field:group.text) syntax for nested fields.
  • Conditions (fields, pages, notifications) now uses field:fieldHandle syntax for fields.
  • Conditions (fields, pages, notifications) now uses dot-notation (field:group.text) syntax for nested fields.
  • Submissions element index now show incomplete and spam submissions alongside completed submissions.
  • Changed form Title references to form Name.
  • Changed fieldErrors and fieldError elements from ul and li respectively to div.
  • HubSpot CRM integration now automatically saves the hubspotutk cookie at the time of submission, to be sent with API requests. This means you now no longer need to map a form field to ensure the hubspotutk tracking cookie is sent.
  • nextPageIndex in JSON response for Ajax-based forms now returns null when submitting on the final page to match nextPageId.
  • Update Date field’s availableDaysOfWeek to return an array of strings as opposed to a JSON-encoded array for GraphQL.
  • Email Notification field templates now no longer output a paragraph tag and the field label.
  • Recipients fields values are now included in Email Notification content.
  • Updated the intl-tel-input package for Phone field validation and handling.
  • Date fields now show the required state on the outer label for Calendar and Date Picker display types.
  • Name field values now return the full name including prefix and middle name (if provided).
  • Address Country and Name Prefix fields now use their respective label values for string representations of their value.
  • Adjusted dropzone size for form builder.
  • Update Payment fields to provide a more client-friendly error message when a payment fails.
  • Payment integrations can now have their field templates overridden in Form Templates.
  • Updated email notifications index to show Name and Subject variable previews when used.
  • Improved email notification preview error message.
  • Updated stripe/stripe-php to be compatible with (commerce-stripe)[].
  • Remove Section and Summary fields from rich text editor and variable picker options.
  • Changed craft\fields\data\MultiOptionsFieldData to verbb\formie\fields\data\MultiOptionsFieldData.
  • Changed craft\fields\data\OptionData to verbb\formie\fields\data\OptionData.
  • Changed craft\fields\data\SingleOptionFieldData to verbb\formie\fields\data\SingleOptionFieldData.
  • Changed craft\fields\data\ColorData to verbb\formie\fields\data\ColorData.


  • Fixed multiple Tippy.js instances in the form builder when field settings contained multiple “info” elements.
  • Fixed alerts on front-end not respecting theme config.
  • Fixed Commerce fields initializing when Commerce wasn’t installed or classes exist.
  • Fixed text-limit character check for emojis on the front-end.
  • Fixed lack of validation for Date fields and their Default Value when setting to a specific date.
  • Fixed behaviour of field variable tags in Email Notifications, where referencing a single field produced different output compared to when used in consolidated variables (e.g. “All Form Fields”).
  • Fixed lack of client-side validation for min/max Number fields.
  • Fixed lack of server-side validation for min/max Number fields.


  • Removed currentPageId from JSON response for Ajax-based forms, as it’s no longer necessary.
  • Removed verbb\formie\base\NestedFieldTrait class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\elements\NestedFieldRow class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\elements\dbNestedFieldRowQuery class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\events\FieldPageEvent class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\events\FieldRowEvent class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\events\ModifyEmailFieldUniqueQueryEvent class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\events\OauthTokenEvent class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\events\SyncedFieldEvent class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\events\TokenEvent class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\models\Sync class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\models\SyncField class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\models\Token class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\records\NestedFieldRow class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\records\PageSettings class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\records\Row class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\records\Sync class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\records\SyncField class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\records\Token class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\services\NestedFields class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\services\Syncs class.
  • Removed verbb\formie\services\Tokens class.
  • Removed formie/gc/delete-orphaned-fields console command.
  • Removed formie/gc/prune-syncs console command.
  • Removed formie/gc/prune-content-tables console command.
  • Removed formie/gc/prune-content-table-fields console command.
  • Removed Formie::$plugin->getNestedFields().
  • Removed Formie::$plugin->getSyncs().
  • Removed Formie::$plugin->getTokens().
  • Removed Categories:categoriesQuery variable for Category element field templates.
  • Removed Categories:entriesQuery variable for Entry element field templates.
  • Removed Categories:productsQuery variable for Product element field templates.
  • Removed Categories:usersQuery variable for User element field templates.
  • Removed Categories:variantsQuery variable for Variant element field templates.
  • Removed Syncs::EVENT_AFTER_SAVE_SYNCED_FIELD event
  • Removed verbb\formie\events\ModifyFrontEndSubFieldsEvent.


  • Submission::getCustomFields() method has been deprecated. Use Submission::getFields() instead.
  • Field::name attribute has been deprecated. Use Field::label instead.
  • Field::inputHtml() method has been deprecated. Use Field::cpInputHtml() instead.