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Peter Verhas edited this page Jan 2, 2018 · 1 revision

ScriptBasic for Java, The Name

The name of the application officially is "ScriptBasic for Java". The short name is jScriptBasic or sometimes sb4j. The last one is used usually when the name is used in configuration file, or at some location where the name jScriptBasic would be too long.

For example the default file name for the configuration file that ScriptBasic uses is (Note that ScriptBasic for Java does not need configuration generally though.)

"ScriptBasic" without the starting j or without saying that this is for java denotes the classic version of ScriptBasic. The classic version was developed from 1997 till 2006 and was and is still used by many application as an embedded language. To name two: Sarian routers can be programmed using ScriptBasic and the company EZ-R Stats uses ScriptBasic to develop audit routines into their application.

Sometimes we distinguish that version written in C from the Java version. In such situation we refer to the C version as ScriptBasic C or ScriptBasic Classic.

Scriba or scriba is the name of the executable of the classic version.

Name usage guide

We recommend that you use the long name when you want to refer to the language and interpreter in an article, blog or other human readable text.

Use jScriptBasic only if the repetitive use of the long name would distract the reader.

Use sb4j when the notation is used in software.

Anyway: you are free to use any name so long as long others understand what you mean.

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