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Verne's Github for Data Science's where we dump our projects.

ANN is a simple Artificial Neural Network for FashionMNist.

AWS recent datajam for sentiment analysis using Sagemaker and Comprehend. Pyspark using EMR.

Certificates - some of the online courses I've taken.

Churn Predictor App is code for app that predicts whether a person is a customer in a bank or not.

Churn Modelling dataset is taken from Kaggle with a little customization from my part. Determined models to be used for Churn Prediction. Only the code for my first multipage app built through

Energy data taken from eDx's Data Science for Architecture, Engineering and Construction. Time series, clustering, and prediction through regression for energy on a target building.

Family Income and Expenditure (FIAE) is an exploratory data analysis on the average Filipino income with some examination of the relationships between variables.

FastAI are projects built off of FastAI for Deep Learning. Currently have an image classifier for an environment whether its "contaminated" or not.

Kaggle is a folder dedicated to some of the entries I made in Kaggle. Current one on where I peaked at #32. It's about classifying pairs of sentences (consisting of a premise and a hypothesis) into three categories - entailment, contradiction, or neutral. It's a combination of transfer learning and BERT.

Machine Learning excerpts from Cognitive.AI

MNIST is part of the Coursera Course for Deep Learning where you get to classify images of digits using Keras / TensorFlow

NLP is a work in progress. It currently houses the ff: Coursera NLP scripts, a wikipedia scraping done on 2020 Premier League, and insights while scraping 1,000 tweets from Danny Green's Game 5 NBA Finals performance.

Object Detection is a weekend project using Tensorflow Hub to scan one image. Used FasterRCNN - Inception Resnet V2.

Recommender is my version of a Spotify Recommender to see if songs from another playlist can be added to my own playlist.

Scala excerpts from Cognitive.AI

Simulations is where i try to do some simulation modeling through ModSimPy. Inside is a project on bike sharing utilization between two locations. Also included is a bottling machine repair simulation through SymPy.

SQL is just SQL things.

ULMFit was meant as an application to Deep Learning with Sentiment Classification for an airlines company.

VGG-19 dataset used with StyleGAN of an image that feels more like an image filter.

WorldQuant miniprojects for part II of WorldQuant University's Machine Learning Module.