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D.U.S.T (Debug Status User tool)

Everything you need to build a Svelte project, powered by create-svelte.


./src/routes/+layout.js is set with export const ssr = false - Which disables server-side-rendering, and ultimately turns the entire project into an SPA (single page application). This can cause some side-effects when trying to use built-in SvelteKit features, so be aware of when and where stuff will run when your components mounts/loads/are destroyed/unloads.


Frontend for D.U.S.T

A simple SvelteKit frontend where users can search for, and genereate debug reports for other users. Searchable users come from mongodb-collection which has to be maintained by some other job see DUSTE-KVERNAs update-db-users


  • User is logged in
  • User searchs for another user to debug, and selects it from a dropdown in the searchbar
  • On selection, a report is generated in mongodb through API-call to DUST-API
  • User is navigated to /report/{id-of-generated-report}
  • Browser/client polls the report with setInterval every given ms
    • If 202 - continue polling
    • If 200 - report is complete
  • DUSTE-KVERNA continuously polls mongodb for new reports and handles all data-fetching / testing, and updates the report in mongodb

Easter eggs

  • legg til U foran FINT når FINT feiler
  • Legg til noe rart på visse brukere


Once you've cloned or forked the repo and installed dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn), start a development server:

Create .env file

Pure mock-site (no API or MSAL-auth)

# For purely frontend development - only these are required in .env (mock-data must be maintained when changes happen in the API)

With API and MSAL-auth

VITE_CLIENT_ID="{client id for app registraton}"
VITE_CLIENT_ISS="{tenant id where the app registration resides}"
VITE_REDIRECT_URI="http://localhost:5173" # For local development
VITE_LOGOUT_URI="https://{wherever you want to send after logout}.com"
VITE_DUST_API_URI="http://localhost:7071/api" # Url for API (either locally or remote running) - remember CORS-settings on the API
VITE_DUST_API_SCOPE="{scope_prefix}/user_impersonation" # user_impersonation SCOPE for the API
VITE_MOCK_MSAL="false" # Set to true for mocking auth (API must be run locally as well if using this, and not using VITE_MOCK_API)
VITE_MOCK_API="false" # Set to true if you want to mock API as well (all handled in client-browser)

Start dev

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open


To create a production version of your app:

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.

To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.


Svelte version of DUST (debug status user tool)






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